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Full Version: Free Fishing Day at Red Creek Reservoir Grandson age 3 catches 2 Rainbows
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[size 1][/size][left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][size 6][size 1][Image: rate5.jpg][/size][font "Verdana"][size 1]Rating 0-5 0=[Sad] 5=[Smile][/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Verdana"][size 1] [/size][/font][/size][/left] [center][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][size 6][/size][/font][/size][/center] [center][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][size 6]Wow What a Great Day![/size][/font][/size][/center] [center][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][Image: rcr018.jpg][/font][/size][/center] [center][/center] [left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]I took my grandson and youngest son fishing today at Red Creek Reservoir, Utah. Well I just want to say we had a great time. We left Las Vegas, NV and arrived in Paragonah, Utah shortly after 9:30 AM. It was looking to be a great day except for a real bad accident through the canyon below St. George. A SUV rolled over and crashed into the guardrail. A couple 100 feet earlier and he would have run off the road in to the Virgin River. I hope everyone was ok. The directions to Red Creek Reservoir were real vague. It turned out the street I needed to turn on was Center Street not Red Creek Canyon Road or FS 078 these are not posted anywhere until later on. Just head east on Center Street and the road curves to the right onto Red Creek Canyon Road. When you pass a home that says Red Creek Outfitters you are on the right road. We traveled about 8 miles when we got to the Red Creek Reservoir on a well-maintained dirt road. [/font][/size][/left] [left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font][/left] [center][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][Image: rcr019.jpg][/font][/size][/center] [center][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font][/center] [left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Disregard the signs that say private property. This is a Forest Service road and the only private property is along both sides of the road for about 2 miles. When we got to the area it was beautiful and only 78 degrees. Southernman told us to fish the dam area but there were to many people there. We continued up the road along the North side of lake. We finally found a spot to fish. It was located along the north bank and about in the middle of the lake. We settled in and it wasn’t long when I caught my first fish. It was a nice rainbow trout about 14” long. [/font][/size][/left] [left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][Image: rcr003.jpg][/font][/size][/left] [left][Image: rcr004.jpg][/left] [left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"]It was caught on Power Bait. As I was setting up a fishing pole for my grandson I got another one on the line. Hey Southernman! I guess I found that honey hole. I got my grandson’s pole finally in the water. When I caught another Rainbow. Here we go again. This time we got tangled in my grandson’s pole so we had to cut the line on the poles loose before I could land the fish. What a mess that was. Another Grandfather came over to see what was going on. They had some bites but no fish yet. He asked me what I was using and I told him. He said he was using Power Bait but not with glitter. I told him that is all I use and it works. He said he would try it out and took both of his grandson’s back where they were fishing. When he left I got another rainbow hit. Once again I got tangled up with my grandson’s pole but was able to land the fish. What a mess it was again. We got both poles back in the water when my grandson, watching my pole, felt his first nibble. Then to his excitement the fish took the hook. He yelled at me and we helped him land his first fish ever! He is only 3 years old! [/font][/size][/left] [left][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][Image: rcr009.jpg][/font][/size][/left] [left][Image: rcr011.jpg][/left] [left][/left] [center][size 3][font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Check this video out of my grandson Catching his first fish.[/center] [center][url ""][font "Times New Roman"][size 4][/size][/font][/url][/center] [left][/size]about 12“ long. It was exciting to see the expression on his face when he caught it. The fish jumped and he went running away. What a treasure to see. It doesn’t get any better than that. I wish his father had been there to see it. Later my youngest son caught his first fish of the day. It was a nice 14” Rainbow. [/font][/size][/left] [left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][Image: rcr012.jpg][/size][/font][/left] [left][font "Times New Roman"][size 3][/size][/font][/left]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]About noon we started to see the fish drop for a while. No one was catching anything. About 1 PM we started to get some more hits. I landed 2 more rainbows. They were the biggest ones yet. The last one was about 1 lbs and it was a fighter. This fish didn’t want to be caught. Several times it jumped right out of the water. Wow what a catch. I decided stop using Power Bait and use my fly fishing rig with several flies and wooly buggers patterns I got from Southernman and my Boy’s. I started casting my fly rig several times out when my grandson got another fish on his pole. This time it was on his pole. We helped him get it and it was a nice one again. He was a fighter with the ultalight pole he was using. He finally got it in with a little help from me. What a great day it was. I never caught any fish on the fly fishing rig but that's for another day. We finally had to call it quits because both the kids were getting sunburns and the temperature was reaching 92 degrees. They even used sun protection. We left the lake about 2 PM. [/size][/font]

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[font "Times New Roman"][size 3]Total count [/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 6]Son 1[/size][/font]

[font "Times New Roman"][size 6]Grandpa 6[/size][/font]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][size 6]Grandson 2[/size][size 6] [angelic][#ff0000][size 7]Priceless![angelic] [/size][/#ff0000][/size][/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"][Image: rcr015.jpg][/font][/size]

[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]We practice the Catch and Release Program. All the fish that were caught were successfully placed back in the water as soon as possible. Only pictures were taken and they seemed to survive ok. All of the fish caught were gut hooked and we left the tri hooks still in them to rust out in a few days. We didn’t use any gold plated hooks. [/font][/size]

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yeeeee haaaaaaaaaaa ! what a great day! GREAT REPORT NIGHTHAWK!

It looks like you a great day fishing. There is nothing like taking the grandkids fishing and watching their faces when they catch something. Or anykid for that matter.Looks like we have a future BFT fisherman.
Hey thanks SM. It was a great trip. I got the video added so I hope it works. I am still trying to work with that program so I can use the different settings for dialup customers. See you later. I want to see your report on where you went this weekend.
Thanks Icefool. I think I have a new buddy to go fishing with. He was having alot of fun out there.