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Full Version: I smell like crappie
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Hit the Jordan today and the flow was really going from the snow melt. I went to where I thought the crappie would be and ended up nailing them like crazy. A couple of Orientals walked up on me and saw my forty fish in the basket so they started throwing everywhere I was throwing. I showed them the right jig and presentation in the hope that they would be respectful and give me some space; instead they stepped in front of me and acted with total disregard for the fact that I was there. I don't mind sharing secrets or even taking turns throwing to the same spot, but I do mind having another man within kissing distance. In the old days, I would have threatened them if get out of my way, but I know they wanted to catch a fish as much as I was catching them so I was nice or, at least, patient about it. Sticks in my craw but it's the right thing to do. I started casting in between them and pulling in crappie left and right again and they looked really frustrated. Truth be told, catching alot of crappie isn't hard if you know what you're doing so i'm not looking for bragging rights. My big concern is that I have caught some quality fish in that river but the runts are really abundant because they are over-populated. I cleaned almost 50 fish today and they were small but I kept them anyway because I want to take any dent out of the population that I can. Eight out of ten were females and they were smaller than the males because they are eating for their own health plus 50'000 or more eggs. They need to be thinned out and i'm posting this to you BFTr's because I know that you are savvy fisherman, and fisher ladies "Goddess," that are respectful on the water and understand how to improve and preserve a fishery. They might be small for the most part but, even if it is popcorn crappie, they taste great! I am releasing all of the nice ones and keeping the small fries for big fries and I would love to see you die hards out on the river improving the future of this prospective trophy farm. I have caught one 15 inch monster crappie in that river and I know that it has alot more potential than alot of people realize. Tight lines to all of you!!![Wink]
all I have ever caught out of the jordan is some nice size cats south of the crossroads in lehi. Can you give me a general location where you were at.
i will second your post on the little critters there is some mosters there though....i was out there last night only to do good on the W-bass no crappie but will be out on Sat or Sun for some with my Pontoon boat.
Hey there Lov2fish. We need to hit the water some time man. Thanks for seconding what I already knew but alot of people don't believe... yes there are MONSTER crappie in the Jordan river and I would love to hook the Walleye that eat them.[Wink]
there is tons of water movin through there they have all three water gates wide open never seen it like this
This is going to be a sweet year for Utah fishing. The high water levels in the mountain reservoirs are going to provide shelter for warm water species and the resulting spawning activity is going to provide a consistent food source for all of the fish in a given location. Here in the valley, high water puts the baitfish deep in the cover and larger fish will be right near the cover which makes them easier to find. This will be a great year to thin out overly abundant species such as carp and crappie. The high consistent flows will also result in a long spawning season for white bass which will enable us to thin their numbers so that they can grow larger.
I like the way this guy thinks.
hey fishguru73. ive had this same problem ,= and i dont give a rats @@@ ss what any one on this site say's about the stioreies im about to talk about...... i have close freinds that are vieat, chin, and strait up getto g's and they will back me up no matter what . i have talked to them on this subjected and there on the same line as me.... but when it comes to thre jordan or ut lake they allways appear and im not talking (( they)) as eny type of people but we all lknow who(( they))our becase of there bad attitude and dissreguared of outher people if your fishing during eny spawn period you get attact by people if your catching fish!!! i dont give a shiii if a man wants to fish but keep your distance... i took my nefew out for a fun time during the white bass spawn last year and we started catching fish .. next thing i knew there was 3 people casting over my line... my dad taught me better then that give a man some space, if your 10ft away from me thats fine but dont come over to me and start casting over my line...
been there done that this is why i got my self a pontoon boat to keep away from everyone.....But i've had my PMS days too where i have told people to move away or i start casting very close to there face that usually get their attention.
If someone did that to me and I didn't punch their lights out I'd be pretty surprised. I may switch to a giant daredevil and cast sideways, hate to hook a jag off but if he's that close I guess he'd get the meaning of get away from me. I don't typically fish from shore but will under the right conditions. Maybe I'll start carrying a scissors and intentionally cross their lines just so I can real it in and snip it for him.
Back in the days when grown men didn't cower at the sight of a gun, my grandpa used a rather unorthodox method to relocate people who were invading his space on his honey holes. He pulled out a Ruger .22 pistol and started target practice on their bobbers. Imagine living in a time where there are no cell phones, no political correctness, and men settled their own disputes effectively instead of like two girls trying to have a persusive discussion. That would definitely get you arrested these days but I wonder how the law would treat the same scenario with an airsoft gun?
Ahh the good ole days! I guess most of us on here were just taught better than to impose on someone. It makes me feel good to see that there are still some morals left in this world.

No cell phones, now there's a day I would love to go back to!
I sent you a pm call me!
ive gone through this before, and combat fished the salmon runs in WA. i no longer put up with this, and almost came to blows with 4 people (me by my lonesome) over the same thing, needless to say i huffed and puffed harder and they left. there is usally enough lake to go around, i personally make them use the rest of it
I went and fished the river tonight and had to deal with rude people. I get there before these guys did and they come over and stand right next to me saying that the other spots were too windy. I had my pup with me and told them he bites. They stayed for about five minutes standing close enough that I had to alter my casts so I didn't hook one of them in the was slow.
Seriously man, I learned about respecting a person's space for the first time in Oklahoma where I went fishing with my foster dad at Ft. Gibson Dam one day. Every one was lined up with long surf rods and would take turns casting several yards over the turbines to get into the sweet water on the edge of a closed flood gate that was in the middle of the dam. The guy at the head of the line would cast his 8 oz. lead sinker and shad rig, get a fish hooked up, and then move to the end of the line with his hooked fish and send his buddies down to retrieve it. I'm talking about big stripers, big wipers, white bass that you thought were wipers, a rare monster walleye, but mostly blue catfish that were considered average at 10 lbs and could be as big as 50 lbs. I saw some guy that cut in line and I wanted to call foul but I didn't have to. A rugged looking, middle aged redneck cracked him hard with a thirteen foot surf rod and told him to get in line or go home. He didn't say no habla or no comprende... he got in line. Everyone had a great time after that and we all caught a crazy amount of fish and got a horrible sun burn. It was great!
im with you on that one fishguru. i took my wife up to riggins idaho a couple years back for the salmon run. iwent down their and just started casting i learned quickly thats not how you do it. after that all was good and i stood in line for my turn to cast and when someone hooked up everyone would reel in and two or three guys would grab a net and help whoever had the fish on it was a cool site to see.
i had a guy cut in front of me on time when i was fly fishing. i pissed him off really bad when i walked all in the spot where he was fishing. i mean i was in the river and he cut in front of me while i was fishing and walking forwards and had enough nerve to say hi like i wouldnt be mad. so when i walked through i made all kinds of splash. i will ask how they r and whats bitting but then i will move on ahead. any real fisherman or women that has any respect for other fishermen or women will not intrude on anothers fishing hole. if we cant find a good spot then we keep tring.