Fishing Forum

Full Version: shiftworker, guntersville, bass, 04/27/09, cdub
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worked off midnights this morning and got on the water around 730 and fished til around 2. threw plasctics from 1 to 7 ft with the better fish (if you can call them that) coming in about 5 to 6 ft. with mostly smaller fish coming shallow..... caught around 15 or so and 7 keepers with the best 5 going about 14lbs... i had a decent fish come off in on the way to the boat...and my partner broke off on one and let a few more off. maybe our best 5 should have been a little better, but you cant count em if you dont catch em. i ran out of gas around 2 so we headed's a pic of the best fish of the day.... almost 4lbs<br /><br /><br /><br />