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[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Seems like all the manufacturers are promoting new lines of spey rods. So what is your take on these rods?[/size][/#008000][/font]
I had two but sold one to Pokymon. I have the 12' 6/7 and Poky has the 13' 7/8. I bought some Spey line from Orvis to get use to the rod which I LOVE one the bigger waters like the snake, but even the Middle Provo is a blast...mending is a breeze.
I am still working on the casting and do fair. Also, on lake side, I can fling it out past the weed beds. They do work better on rivers however with the flow giving the line tension.

Neat stuff. Just takes the fishing to the next dimension[Wink]
Ill be interested in hearing this answer.. Ive long felt that a spey.. or at the least a switch rod would work very well with stillwater applications where area to back cast is limited.. such as a lot of the lakes in my area..

if memory serves me right the spey rod was designed for just that type of situation on moving water.. so why woulldnt it work on still water? Of course, the switch rod, which is designed designed to be the "in the middle answer" so to speak, meaning it is designed to give the angler the advantages of a spey rod but in a shorter rod... and .. from what I understand, in most cases you can use the same reel and line set ups as those used for the "standard" fly rod..

another possible advantage of the switch rod is that it could be the rod to use while float tubing or tooning. .. its longer length gives you the advantage of using spey techniques in a tube.. from what I have read and been told this is a distinct advantage for the angler.. the longer length of either the switch or spey helps the angler keep the line clear of the water while casting in a more conventional manner..

i have one love it for river fishing..looking at a new lumiglass 12.7 and a new centerpin..ther great for long dinstance casting..i just a little hard to get used to..
I hope to get one one of these days.. I keep asking Santa wife for one and she just looks at me like Ive lost my mind.. LOL..

MacFly [cool]
[center][Image: happy.gif][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Hopefully she doesn't thing you're asking to be spayed! lol[/size][/#008000][/font]
make sure you set it up with a good shooting line..i like the frogs hair line myself..but there are some new ones that are supposed to be better now..i get a bonus in july and hope its enough to set up a new still checking my options..
LMBO.. knowing MacWifey the idea may of crossed her mind a time or two in the last 30 plus years.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
my wife is nutered so i dont have to get spayed..i planed ahead[sly]
[Image: happy.gif][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Whats the saying " spey the rod and spoil the fisherman?" lol[/size][/#008000][/font]
now that is a groaner .. .. funny.. but a groaner.. [sly]

MacFly [cool]
thats a new one on me..but i like it..
i have one and do not like it at all.... 13 feet too. anyway its neat to toss so much line, but n0t my thing
there nice for throwing big buggers on big watter..if your into steelhead fishing ther nice to have...not neccesary on most watters..collecting all the different shooting heads and spey lines can get exspensive too..what kind did you get..
I agree on big water. They are an awesome aid for them. You get the casting down and there is HEAVEN. The line, like any other fly fishing, is the most important thing however.
I got some close out Spey Line from Orvis, and it is terrible. Even Dec Hogan thought it stunk, and he can cast anything.
have you seen the new scagget casting ideas..i watched a couple vidios on it basiclythere using the drag of the watter as a slig shot to increase power and distance.what will them canadians think of next...the skaggett head and line setup is 118 dollers..would like to try the idea but not sure if i want to pay that kind of money..
fly fishing frenzy has one on their main page:

[url ""][/url]

looks kinda odd in my opinion, but the one where they are explaining the down stream poke, WOW that dude tosses out a TON of line on that cast.
the one i seen was explainingthat on the scagget river the trees and brush come right up to the edge of the riverso this is there alternative..its definatly not typical butt would be a good alternative in some situations...would like to have it in my arsenal of diferrent casting tecnics..