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Full Version: Steelhead Catch Limit
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With a record number of steelhead already in the system and on their way to Idaho, the Idaho Fish and Game Commission voted unanimously to raise the limit on hatchery steelhead for the Fall, 2001 season. The new limits are 3 fish per day, 9 in possession and 40 for the season.<b>Adipose Fin Clipped Only!</b><br><br>With the warm water conditions and low flows, the Sept. 1 opener got off to a slow start. The catch and keep area of the Snake and Clearwater produced a few fish for the lucky and persistent fishers. The catch and release area on the Clearwater was considerably better although it is difficult to fish with the extremely low flows. <br>With the cooler conditions we are now experiencing the water temperatures will begin to fall and we should soon see good numbers of fish moving to the upper areas on the Snake and into the Clearwater.<br><br><br>