Well I have to start by saying I have gotten used to being blown off Willard Bay by wild storms. There was wind, hail and rain. Plus a cloud that was spinning is way down but never quite made it. We found crappie suspended at 12 feet in 20 foot of water. Freeway Bay. It was pretty windy so we enticed a few with crank baits that went down to 12 feet. Wh2 joined us and got a crappie trolling crank baits. As unusual as it seems to catch them like this it is something we used to do all the time at Brownlee up in Idaho. Usually a bright orange crawdad pattern that would float up if we stopped worked the best. We would drag it along behind the boat as we pitched for bass. We nearly always were rewarded with 10-15 nice crappies for the effort. Just guessing but they look like they will spawn soon. Maybe 5 more degrees on the water temp. Who knows. I just like catching and eating crappie. Right up there with walleye. RF
Wow!!! great pics. sure looks like a funnel cloud to me. with all the hail i thought about the twisters, but still nothin like the size we would get down in texas.
I was licking my chops just like your dog with that wipper.
Yes...that was a funnel that touched down in Willard city and did some major damage. Uprooted trees, tore a chicken coupe apart. My daughter was in Willard city watching it when it touched down.
I seen you guys on the way out we were coming in.
(Nice ride![cool]) We marked alot of fish in fw bay too.
i caught one crappie trolling a crank and one nice wiper.
we got chased around by the weather all morning but nothing like that ![shocked]
Nice fish!! Way to brave the elements.
Were you guys in that boat we waved too as we were coming out? I saw a BFT sticker on your side window and I yelled but wasn't sure you heard me. WH2
Ya that was me. i recognized the boat from the avatar.
(way nice ride!) i thought someone had a bft shirt on but i was not sure! I have had the stickers on the boat for a couple of years. once in a while someone will say hi.[laugh]
Yes, that was me in the BFT shirt. You have only been a member for a short while, how did you get stickers on your boat a couple of years ago[:/]? I always keep an eye out for BFT stickers when I'm on the water but some are hard to see depending on where they are placed. In case no one has said it before welcome to BFT.
I have actualy been around for a few years i just dont post much. i used to post all the time on the dwr site then i got into it with one of your prominent bft members about the sm bass in East canyon. ever sence then i have lost my desire to post anything for fear of getting flamed.[pirate] Flanders is a new persona. [cool][fishin](Could not figure out how to change my old name) <((((()<
I just heard the report on Fox 13 news, either you or someone else must have told them about the picture we took of the funnel cloud because they took the picture off the site and had it on the news coverage. They gave credit to Reelfast on the BFT web site[cool].
Looks like I got off the water too early to see the twister . I think I had a crappie on but lost it before it got to the boat . Nice Wiper guys , I got the big skunk
Where we saw you was in the same area where we caught all our fish. We did talk to a few guys that said the wipers started biting right up against the rocks when the weather turned bad, they caught 12 in just a few minutes before the storm drove them off the water. Good to see you out there Randy.
That storm didn't look like much but sure came up fast. I used to see funnel clouds in Minnesota but pretty much wrote them off for the west. I figured the crappie to be staged up more than they are. This means that they will most likely move in to spawn in force which could be the makins of some fast catching action. I may have to break out that box of jigs. Now if we can just get the time off.........
[#008000]I thought I saw you out there (from a distance) - I guess I was right. We didn't have much success either.[/#008000]
Congrats on the picture Reelfast! I was telling my wife about it and wouldn't you know, a few minutes later it's on Fox 13 News. The only way the picture could have been better is if you would have been holding a fish up in the foreground with the twister over your shoulder. [
Last night on channel 2 news they had the picture too, you should ask for royalty rights, they even used your last name. If we get some warm weather later this week, maybe the crappie spawn will be on[:/], if not it won't be long from the looks of that one hen you caught[
[url "http://www.fox13now.com/news/kstu-tornado-touches-down-in-willard,0,7817635.story"]http://www.fox13now.com/news/kstu-tornado-touches-down-in-willard,0,7817635.story[/url]
maybe that thing hung around a while huh!