How does the weigh-in work? My partner just canceled and I may be by self.
Well if your talking about the Toothy Anglers Tournament its a photo "weigh in". Digital picture of the fish laying on the measuring device we provide for you. Kinda hard with one person yes, but chances are if you want to fish it we can set you up with a partner.
Is it just one fish, five??
You can have up to 5. Only three of them can be walleye. This tournament is for Walleye and Bass only.
How many people have signed up? I have a good live well in my boat. I could work something out.
I'm waiting to hear back from 2 guys and then we are FULL! No more entries will be accepted.
I know FOD would really like a ride if you are looking for a partner.
I could go, I was thinking about it but didn't have a partner shoot me a PM if you still need one.
I am going to check with a bud tomorrow and I will let you know.
thanks for lookin out WET1!!!!. I am not sure what everybodys deal is. Maybe they dont want to know where the fish are.[crazy] It is all good though. I actually dont think ill be entering the tourny anymore. I could not find a partner in time. I think it would have been a hoot. I will still be fishing starvation that day hopefully. I would still be willing to go out after the tourny is over for the evening. ANYBODY????
I will know this afternoon if I have a partner. If not I will be looking for someone. I did sign up for myself and another person. I have a Ranger boat all set up for walleyes.
Walleyes and Roosters
I'm in Rick, a Ranger setup for Walleyes, I gotta dog is in too........
Good, Glad you can go. I will bring Sage to keep Black dog company. We can use the back of your truck to keep the dogs in. [

] I will call you.