Drove all the way out to sportsmans on 7200 So.
from Rose park today to pick up a few basic things,
Like gulp maggots, plano tackle storage boxes, ext.
But after walking up and down the isles and I finally
realized that I had more of a selection of tackle than they did and not finding anything I was looking for,
I drove all the way back home and decided to order what I need from Cabela's or Bass Pro.
I can't believe that a store that big doesn't have anything in it, why even have the door open? [mad][crazy][frown]
The shelves are getting pretty bare for sure.
Try tacklewarehouse. Free shipping on orders over $50.
If you are anything like me and can't go near a tackle store without feeling compelled to spend $100 whether you should or not, it works out well.
Thanks Catatafish I will check them out.
And yes that is how I am if they have it I need it Ha,Ha [

You might try Fish Tech on 2000 east and about 6200 south, they have more fishing then Sportsman for now...
Just got back from there myself and I agree 100%. What they do have, they have 1 of.
Their prices are up too. Smith & Edwards has the "Basic" line for $.10 cheaper per package, and Maniacs for $.40 cheaper, the selection is just as good.
I figured this out recently as well, complete waste of a trip and during rush hour traffic no less. I guess I can't complain to much, they've been on the verge of liquidation in recent months and in the past have always been good. In the near future one of two things will most likely happen, they will return to normal or close entirely. I for one, hope they make it.
If you think it is bad there, you ought to see our stores in Colorado. The one in Grand Junction where I live is practically empty. They could put all the inventory they have in a building half as small. Even if they special order something for me it takes 6 weeks to get and there is no guarentee it will ever come. The staff never knows what or when they are going to get shipments in. What a mess.
Same problem with the Sportsman's Warehouse in Provo.
It's better now then it was a couple weeks ago. Seems they are getting some stuff in after filing. Still not the best selection as you said.
I feel your pain I went to go pick up some peacock herl to ties up some flies and NADA not one package in any color or length. Wish they could get there act together but with the ecomony it may be some time before that happens. [:/][:/][:/]
[:/] From more then a couple different outsources; I have been told if you or anyone you know has a "gift-card" you'd best be using it soon. Thought I'd pass that one on.
Sounds like I will need to make me a trip to Cabelas and forego Spotsmans. I am in need of some items for a trip to Yellowstone this year and it sounds like Sportsmans might not have it.

Hey Cliff I stop buy Fish Tech today,
They had everything I was looking for [

Thanks for the info.
They said you should have been there but you hadn't showed up yet, Would like to have meet you,
Maybe I'll stop by and have coffee with you guys some time.
Thank again, Roger
I got my boat from the shop yesterday and went to Jordanelle this morning till noon....
Let me know when you plan to go up there again and we'll try to be there...They have great coffee for the fisherman...[


Sounds good to me I'll let you know love good coffee,
How was the fishing up there today ?
8 bass 2 bows and 1 22" brown it was a little slow...
Wasn't that bad of a morning, it's just going to get better with the weather, should start picking up with the better weather for the bass anyway,
I like the bad weather for the browns seems like I always do better when a front is coming through .
or just before and just after,
I know the bass like it more on the steady side of the weather,
I'm not a bass fisherman so you would know more on that than I do [

But it does seem like the browns get stirred up with the bad weather [fishin]
But now we have the water sports will be starting up and that always make it hard fishing.[crazy]