Looking to catch some fish in the next few days. Wonder how the bite is up at Willard (cranks w/ planer boards), or if the crappie are moving up onto the flats yet. Anybody know?
I think your best bet for action is Willard. Pineview may be a touch cool yet. I haven't been up there all week, but my guess as that the water temp hasn't come up enough just yet.
Wilard is Hot now and will only get better, Pineview is a long time away yet for good fishing there. [

Thanks. I'll hit WB on Monday and post up.
This better be from your canoe!!!!
TS30 aka V.......
Forget about the crappie, go after some wipers!
No, V, it'll be in my Hewes.
I'll hit Pineview in my canoe in a couple of weeks for the crappie. I've spent many pleasant evenings up there in that thing. No MM's to deal with, either.
