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Full Version: a berry jordanelle kinda day
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A buddy and I got out to the Rock Cliff area early this morning looking for some fishy action, wasn't much to be had. We started trolling for browns but after a while and not a nibble, we gave in to the bass cover and started throwing some soft plastic around. I hooked into a nice fish on a drop-shotted robo worm and it ended up being a nice 18" brown. let him go and fifteen minutes later I hooked up on a sweet 17" smallie, took a picture, gave a kiss and threw him back and that was it for the day. We threw everyting in the book at them and couldn't get another nibble so we took off around noon to see if we could get in on some "Ice off" action at the berry. To our supprise, no ice, and no action. In the two hours we stayed there my partner coaxed two slot cutts in on a fire tiger flat fish and I got a bite. Strange thing was we didn't mark hardly any fish either, maybe they forgot that they love big gold jakes and bunny leaches, I don't know but it was SO nice to get out on the water again! Oh, and am I holding the smallie correctly? maybe a little to the left? [Smile]
Thanks for posting your report, nice looking bass. Looks like you are holding it fine to me[Smile]. WH2
Nice fish, nice Smile, really nice hat!
its not the way you hold a fish that counts.. its the fact that you caught it [:p] diggin the hat btw
thanks for report
I was fishin' the berry on Friday and I didn't mark hardly any fish either, but my friend caught 13 of those invisible fish. All of the ones he caught were right on the bank, so my theory is that the fish finders couldn't see them on the bank.

I was thinking that my fish finder was broke becuase we saw no fish, but kept catching them.

Wierd.. Anyway, my guess is that the fish were there, but they are all camped out on the shoreline (2-3 feet from shore) cruisin' looking for minnows to eat.

My friend caught all of his on a Rapala that was black on top, silver on the bottom, and about 4 inches long.

I didn't have the exact same rapala, but I caught 2 on the one I was using. I tried everything else I had, but only hooked 2 cutthroats using a 4" rapala that looked like a rainbow trout. I did catch a chub with a worm though..

See ya later,
Beautiful smallmouth! What color roboworm?
it was sort of a rainbow color in a minnow pattern, we kill them down at powell with it and it was the only thing that caught me a fish that day too