Fishing Forum

Full Version: hello from WA
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hey ya'll,
i just found some great, in depth reviews of some float tubes i'm looking to buy. thanks for posting such useful info. i grew up in central florida, but have lived in the seattle area for almost 15 years. though i miss real warm water fishing, i do enjoy salmon and trout fishing, the latter being my very favorite. my company has me go into eastern WA and alaska every few weeks, so i'm able to find some pretty nice trout[cool][cool]. i'll try to post a pic of a nice 18" rainbow from eastern WA. (somehow it didn't attach)
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi Mike and welcome to the membership. Having lived in both of the states mentioned, they each have they're benefits when in comes to fishing. Florida's salt is great for fishing and water sports whereas for me WA abundance of rivers was just great. Glad to hear that you already found some useful info.[/size][/#008000][/font]
Welcome to the site Mike, thanks for joining. Here is a link to the[url ""] Washington board[/url]. WH2