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Full Version: Starvation 6,7,8 and 9th
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Didn't launch wed, due to wind. Thursday was just as bad But went out with FOD and managed to put 13 eyes in the boat. Tuff fishing and boat controll was miserable.
Friday fished by myself and caught some quality fish (wish I would have had them sat. [frown] ) Hot bite in muddy water and boated 24 eyes and was really excited about the tourney on sat.
We had a huge walleye fry on friday afternoon and I think the whole camp ground showed up-...including one of the state parks guys.
FOD and I fished the same area all day sat. and had a ton of bites.....but fthe fish were short biting and had a heck of a time getting a hook up.
We did boat 21 eyes sat. but the size of the walleyes were not what they were on friday.

It took FOD a while to get the hang of bouncing But he was more than willing to learn and listen and ended up carrying his own weght on tourney day.

Had alot of good friends there that I haven't seen all winter...ate good, had a few toddys and caught a fair amount of walleyes.

I think every one had a good time. I know I did. FOD was fun to have in the boat and good company. He's more than welcome in my boat any time.

Water temps were in the high 40s in the morning and in the low 50s in the afternoon. The eyes were consentrated in muddy water. We couldn't buy a bite in clear water.

I'm sure the bite will get better as the weather stabilizes and the water gets a little warmer.
Roger, Thanks for the great fish fry Friday night and grilling Saturday night. I sure do appretiate all the info you and Mike shared with us over the weekend. To bad the tourney was not Friday, I think we both would of placed.[:/]
Probably see you this fall.

[#0000ff]Walleyes and Roosters[/#0000ff]

Good to hear you made it back alright. Kinda got gusty Sunday afternoon. Thanks again for all your help. Even after all those days of fishing I am really eager to get back out and practice what you taught me. I think I got a new bug up my you know where. I will for sure keep you posted on what is working out for me but without you as my captain I might have a harder time putting a boat over some fish, I think I can manage a few though. I know that I will be fishing Starvation a lot in the next two or three weeks so I will have plenty of time to whack some big ones. I had a blast fishing with you!! funny jokes too. We both know there are lots of fish with sore mouths and a couple with some fancy jewelry that diddnt get to meet us up close. Good luck on your next tourney.

PS: My dog sends you wet kisses.....LOL[fishon]