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Full Version: Cash donations needed for DAV Fishing Event
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[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]We had to reserve a Group Pavilion at Soldier Creek to accommodate the DAV Fishing Event BBQ. The minimum rental is two days and the cost is $225 per day plus a reservation fee. A BFT’r made the reservation and paid $459 for it out of his own pocket. We need to collect some cash donations to reimburse this person. Please give what you can.

Contact Wiperhunter2 to arrange submitting your donation to him. He will be the Team Leader to collect these funds and pay off the credit card charge when it comes due. Please help if you can.
Count me in for $20.00. I will have to find out where cliff is fishing this weekend and meet up with him on the water......
Wiperhunter2 said he would take in the donations at the meeting we had...

So send him a PM to find out where to send them...Thanks ...
[quote bassrods]Wiperhunter2 said he would take in the donations at the meeting we had...

So send him a PM to find out where to send them...Thanks ...[/quote]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]Sorry about that. I thought you were going to collect the funds and then pay Curt. Sending the money directly to Curt will work as well. I edited Post #1 to reflect sending the money to Wiperhunter2.[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Verdana"][#ff0000]Bump[/#ff0000][/font]
I'm going to start a running total of the amount of donations I have received to date and will updated it as money come in.
1. [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BigBassaholic"][#63626b]BigBassaholic[/#63626b][/url] $20
2. Dubob $20
I'm going to start a running total of the amount of donations I have received to date and will updated it as money comes in.
1. [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BigBassaholic"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]BigBassaholic $20
2. Dubob $20
3. ONEMORE $25
4 R[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=riverdog"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]iverdog $50

Thanks so much guys for you donations, anyone else out there willing to help out with this worth while event?
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]We're still $349 short of reimbursing a BFT member who paid for this out of his own pocket and the credit card bill will have to be paid soon. Can you help us out today? We really need your support on this one. Any amount will help.[/size][/#800000][/font]
Put me down for $ 100.00. Glad I can do something to help out the men and women that protect our freedom. Let me know where to send it.
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#800000][size 4]I sent you a PM with the name and address of who to send it to. Thank you for helping. Wish you were closer so you could join us.[/size][/#800000][/font]
1. [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BigBassaholic"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]BigBassaholic $20
2. Dubob $20
3. ONEMORE $25
4 R[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=riverdog"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]iverdog $50
5. Sewfish $25
6. .45 $40

Thanks so much guys for you donations, anyone else out there willing to help out with this worth while event?
Put me down for $20.00.
Hey Cesar, I'm taking care of the funds, please send me a PM and I'll give you the mailing address, thanks.
1. [url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=BigBassaholic"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]BigBassaholic $20
2. Dubob $20
3. ONEMORE $25
4 R[url ";pg=user_profile_view.html;username=riverdog"][/url][#63626b][/#63626b]iverdog $50
5. Sewfish $25
6. .45 $40
7. Dunniganjim $100
8. Lettsfish $30
9. 135guy $20
10. Russell W. $30
11. K2musky $300
12. Rob C $10
13. Packfan $50

Thanks so much for your donations guys.
Anyone else out there willing to help out with this worth while event?
bump back to top
I am in miami right now when i get back next week i will mail you a check for at least $20 maybe more .
I don't know who to let know about this but I posted this on another thread:

I have talked to my stepson who is District HR manager and he said Home Depot will USUALLY donate to this type of cause but that it has to be a non-profit org and have papers (301C I believe he said) to prove it. I need to get verification ASAP so he can turn stuff in for the donation. Does anyone have any idea what HD could donate?
Let me know asap if possible and I will get him on it. He said something to the effect that they have in the neighborhood of $2,000 they can work with, mostly like gift cards (NO CASH)...I think thats what he said....I will ask when he sobers up some. LOL I know when to hit someone up for donations HUH??? He was actually rather sober when I ask, but got a little tipsy later. Anywho...lemme know.
Someone in the "know" PM me with details so I can get it to him, if this is non-profit (which it definitley seems to be) but there needs to be proof>>>>>??
Hopefully Dubob can answer your question tomorrow but here is what I know. Bassrods has contacted HD about a donation of some BBQ items. One of the guys said they had to fill out some paper work but I can't remember what it was for. We are not trying to make a profit here so I would thing we will be fine but I'll let Bob know in case he does not see this. Thanks
[size 5]501©(3)
Don't think you want to go there for a fishing trip.

How to Form a 501©(3) Nonprofit Corporation
[/size]Here's how to form a nonprofit corporation and receive a 501©(3) tax exemption.
Forming a nonprofit corporation is much like creating a regular corporation, except that nonprofits have to take the extra steps of applying for tax-exempt status with the IRS and their state tax division. Here is what you need to do:
Choose an available business name that meets the requirements of state law.
File formal paperwork, usually called articles of incorporation, and pay a small filing fee (typically under $100).
Apply for your federal and state tax exemptions.
Create corporate bylaws, which set out the operating rules for your nonprofit corporation.
Appoint the initial directors. (In some states you must choose your initial directors before you file your articles, because you must list their names in the document.)
Hold the first meeting of the board of directors.
Obtain licenses and permits that may be required for your corporation.
[font "Arial"][size 5][font "Arial"][size 5]
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 4][font "Arial"][size 4]If you think you might want to do this again in the future,
[/size][/font][/size][/font][font "Arial"][size 5][font "Arial"][size 5]
[/size][/font][/size][/font][size 5]

You can be a nonprofit organization just by getting together with some friends, eg, to form a self-help group. In this case, you’re an informal nonprofit organization.
This is not a 501©(3)
[/size][url ""][font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 5][font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 5][font "Arial"][#0000ff][size 5][/size][/#0000ff][/font][/size][/#0000ff][/font][/size][/#0000ff][/font][/url][font "Arial"][size 5][font "Arial"][size 5]

One of the main reasons support groups fail is because of burnout on the part of one or two of the members trying to do everything.


[size 4]PM your info, I'm going to quit smoking for a few days (2 packs a day, $5.00 a pack)
$20.00 in the mail as soon as I get your PM.
[size 4]Come on guys, give it up 1 pack or 1 Starbucks, pack a lunch forget the fast food joint.[/size]

[font "Times New Roman"]I feel confident that any extra money collected here will help make this an unforgettable trip for our vets.
When I look at what's planed here I see no mention of a continental type breakfast, with a 6:00 AM start some folks may not make it to 1:00
[/font]A cup of coffee or juice, a banana or apple, a pack of tWinkies, all in a bag to take with them.
I donated $50.00 toward the Pavilion and gave it to WH2 Sat. at Willard Bay.