Fishing Forum

Full Version: shsimons, Chick, Bass, 5-12-09, SpurHunter, HeathJ, Almost ArchNemesis
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I knew my archnemesis was going to fish before me tonight, so it was going to be tough. Anyway, Heath said something about grabbling for flatheads and Spur wanted to fish for Rainbow Trout. I told them we should try for smallmouth. Spur and I both got a good one, and Heath managed a nice stringer of channels, white bass, and spots to take home. Apparently Rich caught a boatload, and another CFF member that doesn't post much caught some as well. He also caught a small flathead, making me think I better try and target them come June when I have more time to mess around with the catfish from the bank. Nice meeting you Heath. Why do I get the feeling I will be grabbling with you eventually? Oh yeah, Spur, Rich told me that guy we were fishing with walked all the way over from the swimming area? Now that must have been a workout. If only summer break were in May