Fishing Forum

Full Version: MrWiskers, Chick, Great Morning Bassin, 5-12-2009, AlvinC
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<br /> Alvin and I played hookie today to enjoy the nice weather and decided to hit the lake for a change. Put in at 7:30AM and never put he boat on plane all day. We started the day out fishing a spawing flat but none were home. While moving to another flat I marked a bunch of fish on the depth finder in about 10 foot. Turned around and first cast with a 10" worm I boat at 3 lb 14 oz LM. I pick up my tube and catch two more keepers in about 5 minutes. <br /> <br /> Now before I continue the story I have to set up the situtation. I am using a 6.5 ft medium action spinning rod with 6 lb test fluoro throwing a 3.5" tube on a 1/4 oz lead head. Just boated 3 keepers. The next cast I hooking into a stump that starts moving. Next thing I know the water expodes and the biggest bass I have ever seen in person jumps clear out of the water. I back off my drag, Alvin throws his rod down and gets in position to land the beast. The big girl makes another jump, then rolls by the boat and makes a run under the boat. Next thing we know we are hearing splashing on the other side of the boat with my rod bent under the other side. Then..... the line breaks. She wraped me around the trolling motor. Nothing I could do with my fairy wand. The fish was much, much larger than the 5-14 I caught last week. We both think the fish was around 8 lbs. Amazing a fish that size would hit a little tube. <br /> <br /> So after that we boat 5 more keepers and 3 slicks. Total bass boated was 11, we each broke off one (Alvin's was around 3-4 lbs) and Alvin lost a keeper at the boat. Of the 11 boated 8 were keepers with the best 5 going 15 lbs. Awsome day on the water. Water temp was 68 or so and all fish came from 8-10 foot of water next to spawing flats. All fish came on 3.5" tubes and 10" Power Worms.<br /> <br /> We ended the day at 11:30. At lunch we boated the catch of the day at Kevin Brown's Burgers. Mmmmmmmm.