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40 POUND CATFISH TOPS GOOD FISHING AT IRVINE LAKE<br><br> Catfish are really in a feeding mood at Irvine Lake with lots of whoppers landed this past weekend along with many anglers posting limits of channel and blue catfish. Water conditions are prime for catfish to continue to feed aggressively as they fatten up for the winter months. The lake level is making a slight seasonal adjustment and the rental boat dock and private boat launch ramp have been relocated to the west shore.<br> Topping all anglers this week was Mike Bradshaw of Riverside who landed a 40 pound channel catfish. Bradshaw took the lead in the Irvine Lake $25,000 Hawg and Cat Rodeo with his catch and also was presented with a beautiful Daiwa rod and reel for weighing in the largest catfish of the month. Bradshaw is an Irvine Lake regular and likes to soak chunks of mackerel near the dam. After weighing in the huge catfish the angler was also presented with a conservation award for releasing the fish after the weigh in. <br> Ronson Smothers of Los Angeles creeled another heavy limit on Friday when he posted a five fish limit that scaled 36.8 pounds. The largest catfish on the stringer was an 11.55 blue cat and Smothers caught all his whiskerfish in Santiago Flats.<br> A big albino catfish was caught by David Heine of Fullerton. Heine, also an Irvine Lake regular, always seems to catch his share of big fish. The albino weighed in at 11.50 pounds and was caught in Santiago Flats on mackerel.<br> It was a weekend of big catfish and lots of limits as anglers came out and enjoyed good fishing and a chance to camp at the lake. Many anglers checked in at the tackle shop to claim prizes for the holiday tournament that drew some pretty tough competitors. Among those landing big catfish as part of a five fish limit catch included: T. Portis of Anaheim with an 8.55 pounder caught in the flats on mackerel, Rich Skill of Anaheim who topped off his limit with a 6.7 pound cat landed in Sierra Cove, John Riker of Huntington Beach also anchored up in Sierra Cove to string a limit of channel cats with his biggest fish tipping the scale at 6.45 pounds and Andy Comried of Cypress posted a 6 pound catfish to go along with four other channel cats weighing in the 3 to 4 pound class. <br> The long weekend tournament saw lots of anglers take home tackle prizes and cash awards. When 8 year old Zach Chavez of Orange was handed his special tackle package for catching a tagged catfish you could tell by the Smile on this face that he will enjoy lots of good fishing trips in the years to come.<br>BASS COME ALIVE AT IRVINE<br> Bass anglers are getting in on a pretty decent bite on bigger bass at Irvine Lake. Spinnerbaits, buzzbaits, top water plugs and plastics are all effective when targeting bass off points and along the red clay cliffs. Jack Anthony of Newport Beach fished a chartreuse spinnerbait around schools of shad catching and releasing 10 bass all weighing in the 3 to 5 pound class.<br>For more information, boat rentals and group activities at Irvine Lake phone 714-649-9111.<br><br>Thanks, Sean -