i know alot of people will be going to the villia derby this weekend. and the perposed land meeting will be on the following tuesday. if you can change your sceduels to be at the green river meeting this would help us all out, think about it your allredy up there this is for the land you love , and some person from nyc wants to take that from you!!now would be a great time to take some vacation and do the best thing you ever could for the gorge. i know its short notice but think of the inpact this could have on the meeting.
The meeting mentioned above is at 6:00pm in the John Wesley Powell Room at the Western Wyoming Community College in Green River (just take the first possible right turn when you come down the hill into Green River from the lake, the college will be about a mile down the road and to your right).
Heres a link to the Environmental Impact Statement Draft on the Forest Service Website:
[url "http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/ashley/projects/travel_management/index.shtml"]http://www.fs.fed.us/r4/ashley/projects/travel_management/index.shtml[/url]
I think this meeting is a public Q&A and Public comment meeting hosted by the Forest Service.
I went to the county comissioners meeting on this yesterday and firmly believe that this needs to be taken very seriously. From what I gathered at yesterdays' meeting, the most important thing that we can (and need) to do is the following:
Go to the Forest Service website (linked above) and open the DEIS Comment Form. Copy it, Print it, whatever, but FILL it out with specific comments and SEND it in before the deadline. We need to get our input on these proposals while there still is a chance for input and we need numbers that rival those of the bunny and fish huggers (very few trees to hug at the Gorge).
FYI, My comments will be along the lines of the following:
Of the available alternatives I would only support a variation of Alternative A (the No Action Alternative). Alternative A needs to include (and allow the unrestriced use of) ALL existing and currently useable roads, including two-tracks, and not just those roads officially recognized by the Forest Service and/or those roads shown on the proposal maps. Furthermore, to be acceptable Alternative A needs to NOT impose any further restrictions on the dispersed camping that is currently allowed in the proposal area.
Fishry this management action was argued for Dixie last summer. You will see roads and trails closed, which is a good thing. I'm sure you don't see it as good because of the no action comment and unlimited use of existing roads and trails. Well that is why we are having these management issues, unlimited access. This issue should of been taken care of in the early 90's not almost 20 years after the problems started. Don't be surprised if you see 40-60% of roads and trails closed. Marked trails and roads will have little to no change but expect some to be service/permit use only. All side roads, user made atv trails and pointless/useless roads are on the chopping block.
Personally I think these meetings are a waste of time and money. People don't think about why these changes are being made but focus entirely on personal issues and use. Improving and sustaining our public land is the only issue that matters.