is there any one out there that knows if the sheep creek road form spanish fork canyon to the berry is open yet. this boy is anxious to go to the berry. Clint
I was fishing the reservoir today, Friday 5/15, and noticed that all of the high ridges around the reservoir are still blanketed with snow. I do not know for sure, however, my guess would be no - the road from sheep Creek is not passible.
They opened the gates to those roads ( Hobble Creek, Diamond Fork and above Sheep Creek) on the Spanish Fork side 9 days ago. I know things are totally clear to 7000 ft but didn't go any higher and there were no tracks further up yet. Someone was asking directions to Strawberry which I gave but I warned it was at best a 50/50 chance of making it. That clay on those roads is the worst nightmare for any vehicle if it is still real wet.
thanks for the info, guess I'll go to fish lake instead.
Does anyone have an update on this?