[inline "rods reels.jpg"]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]What is wrong with this picture? Well the rod & reel on top cost 3X what the bottom one did. All the fish that I caught was on a Thomas & Thomas 2 wt DEMO rod. My point being that newbie’s don’t have go over they’re budget to get into the game of fly fishing. The economy being what it is presents a great opportunity at most fly fishing outlets to pick up a rod & reel at a price that would be easy to digest. Oh yea and don’t over look the demo rods. My T&T is a dream to cast.[/size][/#008000][/font]
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][/size][/#008000][/font]
what shop did you get your demo from??
Bob Marriotts[/#008000]
I don't know of your case, but I bought a Demo rod (WINSTON) for my hubby. It was printed on the side of the rod however. I didn't get it for that great of a discount.
The tip needed to be replaced and so I took it to the store where purchased to send it back. Went through H%$# because of the DEMO on the rod. Finally they did cover the tip so I purchased another tip while at it for a back up.
My point is, some DEMOS have no warranty. But, let's talk warranty.
You are paying ALLOT for that warranty even if you never use it. I am of course talking the high end rods like T & T, Scott, Sage, Winston, Orvis, etc.
I have broke Three rods in my life. One because a thunderstorm came up very fast and panic to break the rod down (Cabela's Stow Away). The other two were the same rod, same place and not sure why (TFO).
Never one of the high end rods. The extra tip for the Winston, by the way, was $75.
Would it make more sense if these HIGH END rod companies lowered the price of their rods and did away with the warranty?
How often does everyone use the warranties. Get the rod for a cheaper price and then IF needed the cash for the breakage.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
Guess that you have a valid point there FGD. The place where I bought my T&T is a very reputable retailer. I could have returned my rod in case I wasn't satisfied just so long as the condition was the same as when I purchased it, including not removing the plastic covering on the cork. Yes the rod is clearly marked DEMO. Guess that I lucked out. $275 versus $600 how could I go wrong. Since I have a full compliments of wts doubt if I will be purchasing a new rod for a long time.[/size][/#008000][/font]
if you didnt know..cabellos and gander mt..get alot of there store name rods from st croix..st croix makes alot of these rods in china now..ive broken to many to count..ive boycotted all st croix products since..i wont by chinese junk..
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
On the other side of the picture, China has the best bamboo crop in the world. Wonder if they produce any boos?[/size][/#008000][/font]
im just venting..st croix used to be made all out of wisconson..good rod good pcice and good warrenty..now theyve sold out..it just buggs me..
I hear you on the China. TFO is and that one just keeps breaking.
Tonkin is a providence of China and that is where the Cane comes from, but it is the US artist that turn it into a beautiful rod.
China does make some reasonable priced cane rods like Elk Horn, Highland Mills to name a couple but they are not equal to the Bracket, White, etc.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
I had seen a special several months ago about this American and his travels through the cane fields and cane ware houses picking the cream of the crop for his factory back home. Quite interesting to say the least.[/size][/#008000][/font]
i have two Scott rods and I have had to use the warranty on both. I have no clear idea why either one broke. one I had a fish on when it broke but it was not that big of a fish. The other one I had never fished with it but had it out a few times making practice casts in a part. It was broken when I took it out of the rod case to fish with it.
Just never know when you are going to break one. I am very surprised I have not broken one in the tail gate or the door or on an overhead branch or a ceiling fan.
ive returned 5 st croixs to gander mountain in the past 2 years..all broke in the same place..the guy who works there said they got a bad batch of rods made in china and theve returned alot of them..they gave me a redington for half of cost me 30 bucks but it hasnt broke yet..ill never buy another st croix ever again..no matter how inexspensive they are..
lurtch, I get the feeling you don't like ST. CROIX LOL[laugh][laugh]
I think all rod Co. have come out with a lemon. I remember a customer taking an Orvis 3 weight out in the parking lot. First cast the tip snapped.
Brought out another one to try and one of the sales clerks cast it....snap. Same spot. Bad taper.
I was told the same thing about my 10' 5 wt. TFO. That it had that rep.
Not bragging, just stating, have several rods that are over that $500. mark. I do think they would be in the $300. range if it weren't for that warranty. 20 some years and never broke any of the upper ends, go figure.
i guess it just bugs me..ive used them since they started as a small rod maker out of wisconson..they stood by there rods ..and made good quality..and now they get big and sell out on the american dream..and compromise quality for profit..life goes on..
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]Just checked on my St Croix I904 that I bought back in 05 and yes it was made in the USA.[/size][/#008000][/font] ![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)
[center][inline kow.jpg]
i shouldnt knock em that hard..in the past ive used them alot under some very tough conditions..they always came through for me..ill turn this post over to you guys sorry for the interuption..
![[Image: happy.gif]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/images/gforum/happy.gif)
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
Hey lurtch no need to apologize for joining in on the conversation.[/size][/#008000][/font] [font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4]
Like many interchanges getting side track is a way of life. [/size][/#008000][/font]
ive cought just as many fish on the less exspensive rods as the top dollar rods..and a lot less painfull when you destroy one..in some of the extremly tough conditions i put my rods thruogh ..mainly salmon fishing..ill fish the cheaper but tougher rod every time..
I've only had two rods break while in my possession.
The first was an Orvis whose tip was broken in the case when I got it. The second was a T&T I'd left on the roof of the truck, and pulled out. By the time I realized it and went looking for the rod it had been run over several times.
Considering how hard I am on my equipment, it's either very surprising or a tribute to the makers that I haven't actually broken any myself. But I've been with others who've broken them in car doors and via other abusive treatment.
i fish alot of very rockey fast watter conditions for large fish..salmon-steelhead..i therefore put alot of extra stress on rods..you tend to break a few in these conditions..just par for the course..