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[Image: happy.gif][#ff0000]Brocks Flyfishing [/#ff0000][#ff0000]Special Report[/#ff0000] [#ff0000]Coming soon, Brocks Flyfishing Specialists will be offering Czech nymphing seminars. We already are stocking a good selection of the Czech nymphs. If you are interested in learning this European technique call us at the store or drop us an e-mail.[/#ff0000]
Lower Owens River Wild Trout Section: 15-May-2009
The flows are at 175 cfs. The flows should not be to high this year due to the lack of snow. The water temperature is in the low 50’s. Nymphing has been very productive. One to two 'BB' size split shot should is needed to get the fly down. Some flies to use would be Tiger midges, gold ribbed hares ears, ultra midges and pheasant tails in sizes 16-18. There hasn't been any significant hatches as of late. With the warmer weather approaching we should start to see caddis coming off. Streamers are also another good choice. A long sink tip is in order though. A 20-25 foot tip and 150-200 grains is good. Woolly buggers, spruceaboos and matukas are good choices.
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Drifting the Lower Owens River 15-May-2009
Tugging streamers has been very lucrative. Zoo cougars, matukas, woolly bugger and sprucaboo's have been some of the flies that have been working well. There has been some 2-3 pound rainbows showing up as well. Some days are better than others. However, nymphing for the illusive browns has been the most productive. Pheasant tails, tiger midges, wd 40's, prince nymphs and hares ears in sizes 16-20 should do the trick.
For those of you that have drift boats there is good news. The Inyo County Sheriff is starting to crack down on the people that block the put-ins and takeouts on the river. If you encounter this problem or are hassled about putting your boat in or taking it out, call the Inyo County Sheriff and file a report. The river is there for all to use equally, not just a handful.
Owens River Gorge: [font "Times New Roman"]15-May-2009[/font]
The temperatures are just right. Most any fly will do the trick here just keep it 16 and smaller. I typically use a size 16 yellow or orange stimulator with a flashback bead head pheasant tail or a tiger midge as a dropper. No need to get down there early. Mid morning to mid afternoon is fine.

East Walker River: [font "Times New Roman"]15-May-2009[/font]
The water flows are at 160 cfs and the fishing has been good as well with some bigger fish showing up. Nymphing with midges, Pheasant tails, hares ears, wd-40's and caddis larva in sizes 16 and smaller have been working very well. For those of you that tug streamers try using woolly buggers, hornbergs or matukas in size 8-10.

Crowley Lake: [font "Times New Roman"]15-May-2009[/font]
The fishing has been spotty at best. This time of year the fish are spread out due to the lack of the weed beds. You will have to move a lot until you find the fish. The fish are in 10-13 feet of water. For those of you that are midging, try using tiger midges in olive or black, gray and black crystal midges in sizes 16-18. If you are going to tug streamers a 20-25 foot sink tip is needed to get down to the fish. Matukas, zoo cougars or hornbergs would be good choices.
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Pleasant Valley Reservoir: 15-May-2009
Tubing near the inlet has been very productive using wooly buggers and matukas in olive and black. Most of what is being caught is the stockers. Bundle up as the water is chilly. The inlet to the reservoir is fishing well also. Tiger midges, prince nymphs, flashback pheasant tails and hares ears have been doing a good job of fooling the rainbows.
Hot Creek: [font "Times New Roman"]15-May-2009[/font]
Fishing here is as good as it gets. It is wide open throughout most of the day. Early morning midging, mid-day blue winged olives and afternoon caddis. Try using wd 40’s, ultra midges, tiger midges, pheasant tails on the bottom. Use a blue winged olive for the mayfly hatch. Sizes 18-20 blue winged olive should do the trick. For the caddis hatch use size 16-18 elk hair caddis, hot creek caddis.

Upper Owens River: [font "Times New Roman"]Above Benton Crossing Bridge 15-May-2009[/font]
The fishing here has been good. The flows are in good shape and the water is clear. Nymphing with pheasant tails, hares ears, tiger midges, tiger midges and wd 40’s has been working very well. Stripping wooly buggers, matukas or zoo cougars should do the trick. There are some big rainbows in there now and they are eager to take a fly. No need to get there early, wait until it warms up. [#ff0000]Remember, from the Benton Crossing Bridge downstream to the monument is closed for the season. It will open the Saturday of Memorial weekend.
San Joaquin (Reds Meadow) [font "Times New Roman"]15-May-2009[/font]
The road is still closed.