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Full Version: Strawberry sat 16th
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We were there as well sat.

It was outstanding fishing. Continuing to refine my "rainbow only" fishing rig and home-made bait, we caught a full limit of 12 large keeper 'bows in just over an hour (I hate catching the cutts there due to the possibility of having them die upon release).

I think we are now up to around 45 rainbows in a row without a cutt hooking up. I was Sad about the new regs at scofield, but being able to target only rainbows and catch a ton at the berry is making up for it. Lots of fun and very tasty... and best of all my boy can bring home fish he catches!

I was also there Sat. but only caught cutts. Dallan, do you mind sharing your tip for only catching rainbows? Where were you on the lake?
Wow... I've been bombarded with emails and PM's from people asking how / what we are using. I've spent alot of money and time working on my system and its starting to pay off... to the point I'm starting to think about mixing up my own bait and selling it commercially.

I need to give it another couple runs up there to see if the technique holds up. So far so good though.

Pokey bait here we come again![:p]
[quote kentofnsl]Pokey bait here we come again![:p][/quote]

LMAO! I'm old enough to get that reference hehe. Its Pogey bait though isnt it?

True story, a local guy had his own home brew pogey bait he used at deer creek. My dad was up fishing with this old guy one morning when he just up and keeled over dead right there in front of him. My dad of course called the police to come get the body and had to go tell the widow what happened. I asked him if he gave back the remainder of the pogey bait to the widow and he said "are you crazy? I gotta make this stuff last as long as possible cuz there wont be anymore now that Henery is gone".

Priorities I guess ... [sly]

I thought it was Pokey, but it could have been Pogey.
[fishin][#bf0000]ive caught alot of rainbows, and cutts! ive targeted rainbows in about 15-20 ft of water anchored in renegade, then the cutts come pretty much everywhere else.. lol! the rainbows fight so much harder than the cutts! but fish are fish... just the same! i heard they put bass in strawberry? is that just a rumor or is it true?[/#bf0000]
bass is totally a rumor at the berry.. they only stock cutt food (1" kokes by the hundred thousand) and of course they stock the cutts. i would sure like to take a trip to the berry if anyone is interested in going who might be trying out some new bait...[Tongue]
There are more rainbows to catch up there due to the planting of larger rainbows last fall. I have been catching a lot of them as are others. I think this has more to do with where you are fishing than what you are using. It would be nice if people showed a little constraint and didn't feel the need to harvest a limit of rainbows every trip out. As for the Scofield regs, it is about time.
Are you sure you know the difference between a cut and bow? Don't get mad, I am not questioning your honesty. It's just that I have a hard time believing that you can catch 45 bows without a cut at Strawberry. However, I am not discounting the fact that certain baits and techniques favor bows. It just is hard to believe that you didn't catch one cut in there.

I am proposing a challenge. Invite me up to see you catch just 10 rainbows in a row and I will pay for all the gas that you used to get there and back. I would love to have you show us old veterans a thing or two.
[quote chinook]Are you sure you know the difference between a cut and bow? Don't get mad, I am not questioning your honesty. It's just that I have a hard time believing that you can catch 45 bows without a cut at Strawberry.[/quote]

Oh yes. I can recognize the difference between pretty much all of utahs fish: Rainbows, Cutthroat, Browns, Brookies, Splake, Tigers, Lakers... Kokanee etc. I've fished Strawberry for as long as I can remember, way back when the shanty town cabin areas existed. Also, I didn't say we caught the 45 saturday, its been over the past couple trips but yes, we've avoided the cutts.

I need to clear a couple things up because a few people got kindof pissed about my post (here and at UWN)... when I really didnt intend to stir up anything.

I'm not anti-catch and release. But statistically a certain percentage of fish C&R'd will die. Its been documented too many times. I've seen way way too many dead cutts at the berry from people releasing them. I've seen people that post & brag about C&Ring 50-60 cutts in a day there... how many of those died? One poster at UWN thought the C&R mortality was ok because hey, they pelicans need to eat too. [unimpressed]

I firmly believe LESS fish would be killed in a year there if the lake would remove the slot limit, and introduce a 1 fish catch limit. Sure you will still have the guys that show up, fish all day C&R'ing, and unfortunately causing a small percentage of mortality in the population, but there would be alot of familys that would catch their few fish and leave.

Now I'm sure people will get their hackles raised up with that statement... so I want to clearly state I think BFT'ers are more knowledgable and are much more careful when C&R'ing than the average joe fishing up there with his power bait. But I doubt anyone here will say they never saw someone manhandle a fish when trying to release it, or saw dead ones floating from unsuccessful C&R.

I've never caught a cutt at the berry that was over the slot to keep. That means every cutt I have caught I had to release. I try to be as careful as I can but still I have to wonder did any die? I feel guilty about that... so if I can catch other species and not worry about C&R as much, I opt for that.

Quote:However, I am not discounting the fact that certain baits and techniques favor bows. It just is hard to believe that you didn't catch one cut in there.

I think as others stated, "where" is as important as "what" you are using. There are places at the berry where cutts are in thick, and other places the rainbows predominately roam... ditto for the Kokes.

Quote:I am proposing a challenge. Invite me up to see you catch just 10 rainbows in a row and I will pay for all the gas that you used to get there and back. I would love to have you show us old veterans a thing or two.

[Wink] Hahaha Ok I might just take you up on that. Line tangles are common and a bitch though, fair warning up front.

Very good post. I am impressed with the knowledge that you show. I am glad that you did not take my post the wrong way. I agree with what you said. There are places that rainbows like to hang. And I agree that released cut do die on occasion. They do not tolerate being out of the water very long and if they go belly up, they often do not recover.

I too would like to see a 1 cut limit. I have not caught a cut over the limit in a long time. I think I have only caught 2 cuts over 22 inches in 5 or 6 years. I like the idea. Maybe you should be on the fish and game board.

Thanks for the post. We like to challenge and debate at times, but it should always be in fun and not to drag someone down.
I also agree with the one cutt limit but as someone who has seen some stupid people in his life, it wont work...same way that the slot limits dont really work. people are people and unfortunately there are a lot of dishonest ones. i have personally seen at least 5 groups get in trouble by DWS for having fish at the berry in the slot and at least 2 groups at scofield for the same.. but at scofield they try to play stupid.. i guess cuz it changed this year..everywhere that sells licenses has proclimations so for these people to play stupid ruins fishing for the rest of us. So go Dws get those poachers. Btw i overheard a poacher at the berry use the excuse that fish died getting them off the hook. I guess its the same deal with locks they only keep honest people honest. I am not attempting to stir up anything just tell it how i see it.