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Full Version: UL White Bass Where? How? Any Help?
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[Image: happy.gif] I have been reading all of the posts about all of the white bass here, but am having trouble hooking on to some of my own. I fished the Satatoga Spgs boat harbor and caught 1 LMB, but still cant get into the whites. Any tips??? Locations on the west side where i may find some?? Is the pumphouse a good location for whites right next to the bridge or where the forks come together?? any other tips or advise is greatly appreicated.
They are holding in the rocky shore line areas with dead brush. use a green curly tail tipped with white bass meat.
1-3 ft of water. Good luck.
[Image: happy.gif]Hey thanks for the tip!! Is there any spot in particular you would try, or do you just drive until you see some good brush? The only reason i am asking is i have young kids and they tend not to want to walk very far from a Parking lot. Are they deep or shallow? Slow or fast retreve?
Try the Knolls or the dike by the Provo airport. Just about anything will work if they're around. Sometimes kids like to fish with a bobber, it gives them something to watch. Let them throw it out and reel back in slowly.
I fished the knolls area on sturday using a silver blue fox spinner and couldn't keep them off the line. I fished in the shallow areas along the brush and trees.
If you go south of the main knolls area you will see two trees to the south, you will have to walk from there.go south of there to the rocky point. 1-3 ft of water, they are holding right against the shore line. a bobber will work good for the kids. (We did catch a few by the trees) Let me know how you do.[Image: bobwink.gif]