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[font "Courier New"][#000080]My mom got upset with me today, for wanting to go fishing on my birthday. Mostly she wants me to be with the family, but I told her I would be home for dinner and the cake and all that. Apparently she thinks if I want fish, I should just go to the store and buy it. I tried to explain that I go fishing not just for food, but to enjoy nature "Out in the sunshine, with a cool breeze, watch the birds and stuff". Then she got on my case for being a loner.

[font "Courier New"][#000080]I do it for both food and fun. Today's fish fact even says that Thomas Edison would go fishing, but without bait, so that he wouldn't get distracted from his thoughts.
I know some people do it just for sport, with catch & release method.[/#000080][/font]

[font "Courier New"][#000080]Any other reasons to do it? Make money off tournaments, maybe? LOL

[Wink] i hear you 100% but it's not my mom but my wifie...If you asked me, fishing on your B-day is one of the best gift you can give your self.
i agree with both of ya.. but its YOUR birthday.. i was always told that you should be able to do what you want to do on your birthday. fishing is probably one of the best things to do on a special day.
First and foremost, tell mom/wife/girlfriend/etc/etc/etc that on their birthday, you won't go fishing if they don't want to. But on your birthday, you'll celebrate it as you see fit! If there is one day to have a hall pass to do what you want, it should be your birthday. In fact, I might just go without telling anyone where I'm going and when I'll be back, just to prove a point. But I'm kind of a dink.

Second, I fish because outside of my God, family, and country, there is nothing I like more than fishing in this world. I don't eat them, although I'm not opposed to doing it. And I'm certainly not against those who do like to keep some to eat. I love everything about fishing. I love being in the outdoors. I love the scenery, wildlife, and landscapes I'm able to take in while fishing. I love the preparation of tying flies, reading books, doing some research on new waters. I love the "hunt" and challenge of tricking a new trout into taking my offering. I love the associations I have with friends and family in fishing. I love the areas of this part of the world that fishing has taken me, that otherwise I wouldn't have seen in a million years. I love going back and reading my fishing log, looking at pictures, and longing for more days on the water. In fact, there isn't much about fishing that I don't long for.
When I was just a young pup I heard it said, "you can please some people some of the time but you cant please all people all of the time".

Happy B-day
[font "Courier New"][#000080]I also don't understand the whole "fishing on Sunday is evil!" thing. I know that LDS/Mormons have that sentiment, I'm not sure how adamant other denominations are about it.[/#000080][/font]
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[font "Courier New"][#000080]On the one hand, yes it is the Sabbath. You're supposed to keep it reverent and sacred. Spending time doing "wholesome"/spiritual activities.[/#000080][/font]
[font "Courier New"][#000080]On the other hand, isn't being out in nature (which God created, of course!), enjoying His gifts, considered as such? And there's no law that says you can't let the family tag along, right?[/#000080][/font]

[font "Courier New"][#000080]That's just my (not so humble) opinion.[/#000080][/font]
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As far as the Sunday thing goes,

"Church is where you are on Sunday"

Yesterday my church was the American LeMans race at Miller Motorsports Park.

Week after next it will be Willard Bay, main lake.
I can see your mom disagreeing with you, but I'm sorry she was actually upset. It is your birthday, asnd maybe the family should come spend some time with you OUT THERE FISHING...

It is funny how some people just loathe it. I get it all the time at work (mostly by women) how fishing is the most tedious and boring thing around.

I'm married to a lady that LIKES being outside (she says), but is motivated enough by comfort that there is always some reason not to...

My real answer hard for most people to get. When I'm outdoors, fishing and especially bowhunting, I feel normal. Like outdoor-ness is real and all the rest of the stuff we do; jobs, schedules, clock-watching, regular meals, TV, commuting, is stuff other people made up and I have to try to fit into, like shoes that are the right size, but totally wrong for my feet. Like it's foreign and externally enforced by pressures from outside by people who aren't like me.

Otherwise, I think it's fun. It excercises my ability to plan, scheme, dream, hope and figure out, and occassionally I'm right and get the big "pay-off".
Someone said, "I'd rather be on the lake thinking about God than sitting in church thinking about fishing." Amen.

In my experience, many people don't understand the reasons we fish. But then again, I don't understand why other's do what they do-pretty much always. Sounds like you were able to be happy and get your fix, even if the fam didn't understand.
[font "Courier New"][#000080]I did spend time with the family. My sister, nephew (2 years old and ADORABLE) and her boyfriend came to my dad's house. My mom was just thinking that I should have spent ALL day like that.[/#000080][/font]
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[font "Courier New"][#000080]And yes, fishing can get boring, especially when it's slow (or for people like me, and every trip is a skunker! LOL). My dad doesn't like to go because he says he doesn't have the patience for it and that with all the rules and regulations now, it takes the fun out of it. (he's 75, so way back when, he could just go out and catch whatever, whenever, however).[/#000080][/font]
[font "Courier New"][#000080]My sister kinda likes it...she'll go out, and be outdoors..cast and reel. But she's a typical girl and won't bait the hook (especially if it's worms, leeches or such) and won't touch the fish when they're brought in. And Willard would have her squealing and flailing non-stop, with all the bugs out there! LOL (besides the usual midges, I saw a bee and a big black beetle ... oh yeah, and the snake, too! I think it's kewl, but I'm a weird girl)[/#000080][/font]
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[font "Courier New"][#000080]The rest of my family doesn't mind. The only thing my dad is concerned about is me going alone...mostly because of my heart problems. But I can never find anybody else to go with me! Especially on the "spur of the moment" trips.[/#000080][/font]
I don't fish on Sunday, trying to keep the Sabbath, but I wouldn't ever call it evil, and I wouldn't condemn anybody for doing it....

I remember once in my teens, shooting my bow on a Sunday afternoon, and my quorum advisor later telling me I shouldn't probably do that. But he was out playing basketball with his kids same day, so I thought, hmmmm....
I remember getting in a discussion with my Sunday School teacher about fishing on Sunday when I was 15. He quoted some scripture about not taking life on the Sabbath. I told him that I was a catch and release fisherman so I wasn't actually taking life. He didn't know what to say to that. I try to go to church every week (though it's hard sometimes), but I don't really see anything wrong with going fishing after church. It's a good wholesome activity and you could do much worse.
Everyday that I go fishing I consider it a relgious experience. Does that count?
god is every were..its alot eisier to apreciate his works when you see them first hand..not behind walls..i always make sure to thank him..
[font "Calibri"]First Happy Birthday![/font]
[font "Calibri"]I fish because it is what I do to relax. I usually go out on my boat because I can’t find anybody to go with but I love the feeling of floating on the water and trying to fool the fish into biting my lure. I love trolling and want to get better at jigging. I hardly use bait but will at times. There is nothing like a great day on the lake after a string of 7- 12 hr shifts. If I catch a few keepers it is a huge bonus because the wife is always happy when I can supply a fish dinner. I usually get frowned at if I don’t bring some home. Mostly, I go to relax.[/font]