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A few friends of mine and myself went fishing up to Newton.
What a joke Well I should say what a typical Newton joke.
The fishing was slow but the water temps were under 60 and the tigers were crusing in the shallows Boated one nice tiger. Seen some bass start moving up in the shallows. None caught. Crappie were no were to be found the only ones I seen were dead or dieing. I think we graffed a bunch but couldnt be sure they could of been perch. And the tigers were stacked all around them.
so they were not eatting.
But I knew the day would be full of Wake Boarders and people who do not understand the laws of the water.
I know I am preaching to the choir but I just got to vent.
Newton is way too small to host a crap load of boats creating a wakes. There is no way that they can run up and down that lake with out coming with in 150 feet of fisherman or the shoreline. I think its just Sad when familys with little fishing boats can not enjoy going out there. Because they got a 20 foot wake board boat tossing them around I notice it on 20 foot bass boat. I hate looking over at them or an old timer that has to be in fear of getting swamped because of these guys who have no understanding of the law. I say this because Ive never met or seen a wake boarder that does period.
I think too see one would be like seeing a great white whale its only been written about.

Yes I know that 20 foot bass boat is not small but the wake is 10 times less than a wake board boat. and 95% of time its not running on the big motor its fishing.
I pull tubes and water toys but there at places like willard powell bear lake hyrum pineview the nel ect ect.
Why because theres room.... I think its just a donkeys rear end to wake board on Newton and Cuttler all they are doing is making it less enjoyable to familys and erroding our shore lines away. You know what just piss's me off about the hole thing is I asked a boy band wake boarder once actually Ive asked alot of boy band wake boarders why the heck are you clowns always next to the shore. because its calmer there and we dont have to deal with the waves. The lake does not belong only too fisherman but we on average use the least amount of it.
Like I said before Im preaching to the choir because were all fisherman here. I just need to vent alittle
AMEN. I was out there on Saturday and luckily got off before it got to bad (there were three that launched right before I put in). I fish out there pretty often in a smaller boat and it's tough enough just to fish and when I have my kids with me forget about it. I don't know if they go there because they don't have to pay or what but it does take a lot of the fun out of it when you constantly have to battle wakes to fish.
We feel your pain Warchild. We've never soft water fished Newton just for the reasons you've cited. Based on the size as we've iced fish there, that body of water should be 'wakeless' IMHO.

As I recall the sign there states a total acreage of I believe 200 acres. Now if they can have 'wakeless' on the various waters that are 'Trout' primary waters then why can't Newton also be 'wakeless'?? Kinda makes me scratch my head and go hmmmmmmmmm. [:/]

Unfortunately we deal with the all-about-me power squadron demons at PV and I have no problem what-so-ever hitt'n the speed dial on my cell phone to call the Weber County Sheriff Marine Patrol. Done it several times.
I agree with you 100% on this. It's Sad because Newton has some great fish, and we bought a house about five minutes away just last year. I was so excited to live so close to one of my favorite fishing places, but I hardly even feel like going there anymore because of those idiots. I'm pretty fed up with it. I think the reason everybody goes there is because they don't charge a launching fee. Maybe if they did, wakeboarders would go elsewhere. In any case, somebody is going to get hurt unless they do something about it. They county could bring in a lot of extra revenue if they could send somebody up there to ticket people. It seems a lot of people have this mentality around here. Yesterday was absolutely ridiculous with people driving their dirt bikes and atvs at a good 50-60 on residential streets out here in Clarkston. I don't think more than five minutes went by all day without someone blasting by my house. People should need to get a license to drive a boat or atv, just like a car. If they did, they might actually know the laws.
Last summer was my first and last fishing Newton, I almost got into fist fights at least twice. I love the lake, but I would rather fish a mud puddle than deal with the A@@ holes that get mad when my 1 OZ kastmaster bounces off there bow, after being buzzed 2-3 times.

One guy actually said if we wanted to sink your boat it would be sunk already. My father in law had to keep me from ramming him and I think I am a pretty peaceful guy.
Very well said!!!
Preach on brother! I support your cause!
I have yet to fish newton and I support your cause. Utah is full of larger lakes that would seem much better for that kind of recreaton.