05-19-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> Had a couple hours to fish so we headed for the Dam to get bait. With what seemed like 6 million CFS running, bait was scattered and impossible, so instead of giving up, I ran and bought some so-called large shiners. Got to the spot to find Jc4thecross and family, and JDK already there, and while we fished at least 2-3 other folks joined us, I bet they are at least lurkers if not members. Trash was very, very heavy so it cut off a big area today. Only managed one spot one slick LM, and one keeper LM for Catfinger. <br /> I did see Ramjacks blue cat with a fish hanging out of its mouth against the rocks in much worse shape than the pic he took the other day....YUCK!! emoVomit <br />