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Finally remembered to post this. This is what I'm currently using, although I will probably start on a new one soon. It attaches to the D rings with releasable zip ties, and is secured at the bottom with 1/8" shock cord with S hooks at the end. Up front, there is an empty slot where I can attach a camera boom (my avatar is one of the shots I took while testing it), or an extra rod holder.

In the water shot, it seems to be leaning outward (which is better than inward) but by the time I sit in it it's perfectly vertical. Probably because I like to keep the shock cord at the bottom nice and tight.
ODB that is tight I want to hear more about your camera boom. I never thought about a boom. I am an avid amateur photographer can you spell it out for me or show some set up pics. Dam you got to love ingenuity and PVC that idea rocks!!
Wish I could take credit for the boom idea, but I based it on ideas I saw on this forum before I joined. I think if you do a search you can find a couple of threads about it.

It's not that I want a bunch of pics of myself. I fish almost 100% catch and release, and I'm always hunting for that big bass. Most of the time I fish alone, and it would kill me if I finally got big mama and had to take a pic of it with just my hand in the picture, or if I had to do one of those arm's length self portraits. I am really fishing for the picture. Only reason I took the pic of the little guy in my avatar is so I would know what to expect when the "real deal" went down.

I will try to take some pics of the boom in my garage, otherwise I'm going camping over the weekend and I'll get some shots out there.
I must say I thought your buddy took that pic of you and the "little" guy in your avatar. That is one fat Pic from a boom. Thanks for the heads up on the search I will try it in a minute. Here in the small over fished waters in eastern Nebraska that is a nice fish you are holding. We have a bunch of keep what ever you catch folks around here that have no respect for the thrill of the hunt. As a chef I don't know what posses them to think that a LMB from a small pond in 75 -80 degree water will taste good. I guess if you put enough beer batter and tard sauce carp tastes good to these people. I agree with you almost 100% C&R, unless it is some tasty eyes that are the right size. Not sure if you catch those in your neck of the woods.

Looking forward to some pics from this weekend. I am launching my boat rain or shine Sunday or Monday as long as there is no lightning. Tuesday should be a busy day of posting pics on the board.

Tight Lines
Here's a link to my camera mount boom:;#453117

ODB: nice setup! Kinda looks like the one I use on my H3.

How's the bassin' been on Upper Otay lately?? I've been tied up with backyard remodeling and pool cleaning the past 4 weekends and haven't gotten out there:o(

I haven't been to Uppers much lately. I have actually missed fishing a couple of weekends, and last weekend I took my 3yo to try to catch some 'gills. I did fish Upper O about a week and a half ago. The gate is open now, and the lake seems to be going through some change, transitioning from spring patterns to summer patterns. The water actually got pretty clear, and I heard at one point the visibility was up to 6' or so. Weird.

It's looking like I won't even be out there the next couple of weekends, but as it starts warming up and the weeds start choking the shallows, I'll be there every weekend for sure.

Big Mernie:

No walleyes in my neck of the woods, if I keep a fish it's probably going to be a halibut, or maybe a stocker trout if I ever bother to fish for them. I hear those 'eyes are good eating though.
THANKS for the info, ODB!! Super glad to hear they finally opened the access gate on Otay Road! It will make going much less of a hassle and I may HAVE to go for a few hours early Monday morning:o) IF I recollect right, the bite really started picking up around this time last year! Hope to see you out there one day.
Screw it. Instead of messing with photos, I made a diagram. Should be simple enough to understand. Basically, since it's not glued into my rodholder, it can pivot towards me. I screw in the camera, set the timer, then flip it outwards.
Uhhh I think photos would have been easier. But thanks for the technical drawing. About how long is the pole - 36"

Haha, actually the drawing was pretty easy. I'm a graphic designer by trade, so I just whip that stuff up.

The pipe probably is about 36", I just made it long enough so the camera ends up around eye level. I was afraid it would have to be pretty long, but if you think about it you can almost take a pic of yourself at arm's length. Plus the point where the boom starts is already a foot or so ahead and to the side of me. And there's more room for adjustment because you can sit back a little.
I have the 120. It's ok, but it doesn't compare to a high-end finder in a boat. What I like: simplicity, self-contained. What I don't like: can't get it to display arches, don't think I've found (or can find) baitfish.

I have just resorted to always running it in Fish ID mode. I don't have faith that I could find the thermocline on it. It does do a good job for just finding depth and temp. I think it does ok with underwater cover/structure, and I've started believing the Fish ID (more or less). For me the sidefinder is a waste of screen space.

I have thought about getting a regular (boat type) fishfinder, but I'm not sure the benefits would be worth the hassle and extra expense. Main thing I wish I could see is baitfish, but maybe I will be able to with a little more practice. I've had mine almost a year now, but I fish mostly shallow water where I don't need it that bad.
To get the arches you have to be moving faster than you usually do in a tube. I have a Humminbird 575. No arches unless the fish is really moving fast or it's on someone else boat. Mostly just look at lines going across the screen unless the fish id it turned on.
When you say that you can find the thermocline what do you mean? What would it look like on the screen? I didn't know this could be done, so I would like to know what I need to look for.[Wink]
Actually, I said that I didn't think my Fishin' Buddy could find/show the thermocline. I believe that when it does show on a finder, it appears as a gray horizontal line that fish marks will tend to be around and above.