Fishing Forum

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I recently read a post from the Utah Moderators basically saying that there are members on this board that keep them from posting reports and that we should all get along. The post was locked so no one could reply so I started my own post, please don't move this post.
I have been a member for four-five? years now and the people that show up just to cause problems don't stick around long. On the other hand some members (across the board) are simply full of lies and cry when called out. Because this is a 'family oriented board' their problems are just as much as a concern as an honest member. Where do we draw the line? This board exists because of it's members, I'm proud to be one of them.
I've called out certain individuals who I thought were decent fishermen but in the end they were lying to themselves. That didn't go over very well but I stood my ground.
Part of the above mentioned post was " [#0000ff]"I don't post very much because of..."[/#0000ff] The name of member was inserted here."....I suppose we should all have a group hug and make things better[laugh].
I love this forum, no single person is going to interfere with that. People are becoming too sensitive because all they have to do is whine about somebody hurting their feelings and the mods come rushing in. I understand it's not easy being a mod and making the 'right' decision is not easy but at the same time you are not being well payed to be a babysitter. If these people are old enough to sign up to become a member than they are old enough to take responsibility for themselves. Of course, this is just my opinion.
John, we will let this post stay until we have a chance to talk about it. I personally don't have a problem with it but I can't speak for the other moderators. I agree with what you are saying to a point, it is always good to have a discussion about the issues and I think the poll is a good idea.
The Mods are doing a good job here.
It's just too bad that forums like this even need them, but they do.
There is just something about being able to hide behing a computer that can bring out the worst in some people.
If we didn't have Mods to keep things going in the proper direction, this place would be gone.
Thanks Mods for all that you do.
[quote fsh4fun05]
I've called out certain individuals who I thought were decent fishermen but in the end they were lying to themselves.[/quote]

This is my biggest problem on here. I just can't handle when people feed everybody BS. Most people just let it fly, but I can't stand liars and fakes. This forum is here for us to educate each other and share experiences (Real Experiences).
Some members join to be in a little "fishing fantasy world", where everybody bows down to them. They can say what they want and there will always be someone who follows along and believes every word they say.
I apologize for anyody I have offended, but my intentions are to keep this a forum with useful and REAL information to help our future anglers grow. So please quit the "Fish Stories", and post up the "Reel Deal" [Wink]

I voted "relax", blah blah blah.
As I see it this web site is no more or less a part of life. And like life we have to learn to wade through the BS'ers, flat out liars, smelly breath butt kissers, booby eye'd whiners and thin skinned cry babies.
If there is one thing I've learned during my 55 years its that liars and cry babies, etc... will always exist and there's nothing we can do, or say, to chance that.
But what we can do is relax and ignore them..
It seems to me that the mods are a bit quick to lock threads. I havn't posted much, but have been surprised that a couple of threads have been locked that seemed harmless to me. I think discussion is good, personal attacks should not be tolerated. Individuals posting personal attacks should be warned, then removed. Problem solved.
I have been a member here for 7 years and i noticed that when the dwr shut their site down more members joined the BFT.There are a lot of great members here who joined to contribute to the site but were there is good there is going to be bad as well and the bad will always stick out. Just my 2 cents.[:p]

I understand exactly what the moderators meant with their post. There are a few people that would post anything on here and people were on them immediately calling BS. It would go from post to post and appeared to me to be a personality conflict which turned into posts which were not good natured at all.

I think all of us should relax a little bit when it comes to calling BS on someone else even when it's obvious. Who cares if it is BS. Eventually the people who are misrepresenting the truth's colors will show to everyone. I have seen several posts from people who put something on here and get a couple negative responses and they come back and say that's why I don't post on here anymore and I'm done with this site. If someone puts a post on BFT and you think he may be stretching the truth, I say treat it like you would if you were talking to the person in person. It's easy to be rude to someone on the internet.

I have caught myself taking this sight a little to serious in the past. I know I would never be a moderator and am thankful they are here so we can have the boards. I read BFT when ever I can and find it's a great resource on fishing waters in UT. I've only fished a handful of lakes here it's very helpful to have an idea what is biting where and when. Ultimately I just want to fish and if I can't fish I want to read about fishing. I have made a few acquaintences here which I believe will turn into long term fishing buddies. Thanks Mods for doing a job that I wouldn't do.
I think the man with cold feet ( [Smile] ) hit the nail on the head. Let the things that bother you flow like water off a ducks back. It's nobody's responsibility to be the "honesty police" or better yet, the "picture police." If someone is blowing smoke, and you know it, who cares? Live and let live man. If you feel the urge to attack someone personally, at least do it through a PM and solve it that way. The rest of us don't care about your pizzing matches.

I welcome anyone to disagree with me, and I have no problem disagreeing with others. I just hope that I do it respectfully, which I know I don't always do. But it's something I'm working on. It is amazing how tough and daring people get sitting behind a computer screen on these online forums though.....
Nobody that knows me will tell you that I'm without some pretty strong opinions. That being said, I really enjoy this forum and the information that is shared. I try to keep in mind that if a post is setting me off all I gotta do is move on & let whatever yoyo have their say. Once in a while a couple members get to going head to head over something trivial & it gets the best of me. I shouldn't but I chime in with a reminder that fishing is to be enjoyed & let's let this other petty crap rest.

I personally think our moderators do a super job and that all of us owe them our thanks. I couldn't do the job because of my short fuse & opinionated personality.
[quote Paddler]

It seems to me that the mods are a bit quick to lock threads. I havn't posted much, but have been surprised that a couple of threads have been locked that seemd harmless to me...


[#0000ff]Some threads have possibly been locked too soon by me and my fellow moderators; however, be aware that the locked thread that is left behind often is the sanitized thread and that many words and entire posts were likely deleted before it was locked.[/#0000ff]
Well I have to agree with you on part of what you said but Its not up to any body on this site to decide if some is lying about fishing. I have posted things on here and been called a bad fisherman and told I didnt know what I was doing. This site has way to many GOD FISHERMAN KNOW IT ALL'S!!!! If you dont believe the post then so what. There has always been fish stories and there always will be. If you claim to have never told one then your not being truthful with your self. There are a lot of good guys on here and alot of great info. I am glad to be a member but I just think every body needs to STOP this childish behavior and just go fishing.
[quote Coldfooter]

I see it this web site is no more or less a part of life. And like life we have to learn to wade through the BS'ers, flat out liars, smelly breath butt kissers, booby eye'd whiners and thin skinned cry babies.
If there is one thing I've learned during my 55 years its that liars and cry babies, etc... will always exist and there's nothing we can do, or say, to chance that.
But what we can do is relax and ignore them..[/quote]

Well Said. We are adults. If you dont like what is said, Dont believe what they said, Leave it alone, Push away from the key board and leave it alone. DKS summed it up pretty good also, Many are brave behind the key board.

There are many times that I would like to comment on something, however I feel that I shold just leave it alone becasue it would do nothing but stir it up. SO I leave it alone. Have fun, Relax and enjoy the sight and what it has to offer. There are many great folks on here that offer up much good info. Thanks to all of you that do. And to the guys and gals that are afraid to post, relax, post it up and have fun.
I say have fun with this stuff and relax.

I will also say that sometimes we forget that we all own the waters of Utah or anywhere else in the country and we pay for it. Why not share good public spots? why not help another one out with havin some good old fashioned fun catching a fish that they will never forget. Its a quality of life that is at everyones grasp and I think this forum helps out with getting people excited about fishing after they see a good report with usable information. More anglers that are aware of the laws and public educate isnt a bad thing. Everybody has had to figure some things out on their own but everybody can learn something new no matter how smart they think they are. Dont let other people effect your posting just because they might call you out because everybody besides that one person appreciates a report with or without a picture. All the pics and funny stuff are just extras that are also very effective ways to expand on some of the details if possible.

On the locked thread subject, I dont think I have ever laughed so hard at a computer. Especially when a thread is obviously about to get locked and someone throws one of those Richard Simmons posts or the one with the Star Trek guy rolling under the closing door, whoever does that kind of stuff is on the right path and I hope it keeps up so that people can realize that they are being a little out of line or snarky.

I also love this site and have no problem posting anything fishing reports
That star trek thing was hilarious!!!

I have no problems with the mods, just trying to get a feel for what everybody was thinking (and I was really bored last night).Thank you for your responses.
First off let me say , I have enjoyed being a member of BFT, in the short time that I have been a member (since Jan ) And I feel that the Mod's do a great job, I would not take their place for a second. I enjoy the great info and stories, and most of all the pic's. But there does seem to be a few s$#t stirrers. As the saying goes, 1 bad apple can ruin the barrel. There does seem to be a few ( common denominators) in the thread's that are locked. And to tell you the truth they have influenced me, as to whether or not I make a post, or post a picture. I have felt that after so many times that it should just be stopped completely. I can handle a fish story,lie,even questionable pics, but to have someone attack others for keeping or not keeping ,or attacking others based on their intrest's is not acceptable and should be stopped. We all have our opinions, my opinion is that( I don't need to hear yours every day!!! ) This is a place to share stories, info ,and enjoyable times. There are other places to have your conflicts...
To all:

I have many strong opinions. Anybody who knows me knows that. Years ago I was quick to jump in and correct someone with one of my opinions. But, recently I realized I was taking things way to serious. I still express myself now and again, but the difference now is that I have given up the need I had to PROVE my opinion at all costs. I enjoy the site much more these days. Try it.

The posts here are like the TV. If I don't like the show, I change the channel. If I get irritated by a post I read another. You should try that too.

I thinks the mods do a great job and (here comes another opinion) I think they are necessary. In a short time the site would deteriorate to where we couldn't stand it anymore. I appreciate that I don't have to see foul language and junk like that. That is all because we have to mods to keep us in check. Thanks Mods.