05-20-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> Got on the water about 8:45- heard on the way about a wind advisory- OH GOODY! Water was white-capping on arrival, but we perservered. Tried finding some protected coves, and still got blown around. Started at the top using a Spook and Chug Bug but it was so windy we couldn&#39;t keep those puppies on top very well with waves drowning them!<br /> Found the LMs in 3-12&#39; of water in coves, around docks, and near the bank in grass (whatever that weed is that took over when the drought was on- it&#39;s gnarly stuff). Caught 8 on white double willow blades, slamming the bait hard! No shorts in the bunch. The bite slowed around 1:00 so we decided to get out due to the wind. Much better bite than I would have guessed with the wind.<br /> Creeks heavily stained as were secondary points, water temps 67-69 degrees.