Fishing Forum

Full Version: Willard May 24th
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Chad Miller and I launched at 7:00am. Strong wind out of the south and drizzle rain most of the day. Water temps 62 degrees.
Slow bite today but did manage 1 crappie, 1 decent sized cat fish. and 6 eyes.
The eyes went from 17 to 21 inches. Fish were caught using bouncers and lindy rigs.
We did have 3 eyes come un buttoned and missed a couple of bites.
The weather was a little miserable...but it kept the power squadren at bay [cool]
Chads great company and we did have a chance to talk out some logistics and equipment questions we both had for the up coming Cabelas NTC tourny.

Fish fry tonight [Smile]
Nice work on gettin' some eyes! I've been wondering if the crappy weather shut things off completly. I'll probably be out there in the AM assuming the winds aren't too strong for my little boat!