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Full Version: Latest report from Mariato Panama
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Last week 3-6 Sept, Capt. Alex Livingston hosted Jerry Johnson from Bocas de Toro, Panama and Jim Thompson from Sacramento, CA at the Rio Negro Sportfishing Lodge. Jerry reports that they had three “magnificent” days of fishing. The first day, 4 Sep they fished the South end of the Azuero Peninsula, West of Tony Pena’s coined “Tuna Coast.” In Jerry’s words, they caught “Wahoo by the boat load”, schoolie Yellow fin Tunas, Cero Mackerel and too many Jacks. The second day fishing off Isla Cebaco due West of the lodge they caught “huge Peruvian Amberjacks on a dumb looking lead jig”, the largest pushed 100 lbs, more schoolie Tunas, Cero Mackerel, snapper and Broomtail grouper. The third and final day they again fished South of the lodge and caught “enormous Wahoo, tuna, and the biggest Pacific Sailfish any of us had ever seen. We released him, but estimates are 150 to 200 lbs.” As usual the sailfish was caught by accident while dragging a CD14 Rapala on 2 foot wire leader and 30 lb test mono, trolling for Wahoo and Tuna. Pictures to follow…….<br><br><P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by whodat on 09/09/01 08:01 AM.</EM></FONT></P>