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[fishin] A group of us avid anglers decided to brave the swine flu and the banditos and head south of the border for an off shore fishing adventure.

The drive was smooth...after we got the equipment loaded...lots to take and we didn't forget the coolers.

The boat left San Felipe in Baja Mexico around 10 AM and headed for the many islands scattered in the Sea of Cortez. We steamed all night with the actual fishing starting around 6 AM after 3 of us plus our guide per pangas (small dorry type boats) piled in the boats.

Jerry hooked up first with a 21 lb yellowtail. We were busy catching corbillas, yellowtail, sea bass, triggerfish and sheephead. I even hooked a scorpion fish. I had a humongeous fish hook me up and spooled the 100lb test and came close to dunking me in the ocean as I tried to turn him. Never saw what it was, but we were fishing for grouper in about 300 ft of water at the time.

We hooked up with some giant Humbolt squid. I got a couple that they said were about 50 lbs. We had quite a pile of them and the deck was black with ink as the crew cleaned them.

A misdirected flying fish landed on the deck after dark one night. You could watch them swimming around the boat after dark and we fished for mackerel and sardines for bait during that time too. Some of the bait mackerels were 14 inches long.

The food was simple but tasty...and they'd cook up some of the fish as we requested it. The cook made svechie when we'd catch a trigger fish. Delish...

The rooms on the boat were set up for 4 people and there were bunks set up under a veranda toward the back of the boat. The great calm weather was perfect for sleeping out on those bunks....adding to the whole oceanic experience.

We saw whales, sea lions, had porpoise chase the boat and even saw a coyote patrolling the shoreline. The "snow" [Wink] capped islands were an interesting discovery. It's amazing how a few million birds can snow cap rocks.

We fished for 5 days...and caught many many fish each day. I guessimate we each brought back over 100 lbs of fillets, filling the freezer. I took over 100 pictures, but the mods would freak if I tried to send them half that many, so I'll select just a few.
Here are bassrods' pictures.
Hey bassrods, that looks like an amazing trip. I think I might like to try onr . Do you mind sharing trip info. How much does it cost? And what are the options,i.e. shorter or longer trips, How large or small of groups, contact info for your guide. If you don't mind sharing.
Thyanks Lonnie
Fishing the Sea of Cortez is like going to a smorgasboard, never know what your going too catch. Glad you had a good time. Those Yellowtail fight great.
nice report Rod's!! that the only thing i miss about So.Cal is the yellow tail and all the other salt water fish.. man do they fight.. them big squid are a hoot as well [sly]
Way to go Cliff,
Great pictures also [Wink]
We have about 16 people per trip at the same time of year each year...Cost is about $900. for five days, you can rent your poles and reels and lures (not sure how much) some of us car pool...

We don't sign up till Oct. for next year but we have the hole boat for our group..
We only have two or three open spots each year and they full fast if we do have any...

I can give you contact INFO if you want, just send me a PM...
I think at one time on this trip I counted 8 types of fish we caught...
They sure do fight, its fun to catch bait that is 10" to 14" and even they fight better then any trout could...

But the Yellow tail and big grouper well I don't have words to tell how hard they fight, but after my third yellow in less then two hours my back both arms and hands was in pain...And I have been back sense Sunday and parts still hurt...

But I'm getting things ready for next year already...
Did you catch any Black Seabass or White Seabass ?
I am really, really jealous. If you ever want to take me along in exchange for translation services, just let me know. [Wink] Looks like an awesome time.
hey sounds like a great trip. i sure do miss salt water fishing. im from new orleans and used to fish for bull reds, sheep heads, drums and all kinds. i am planning to go to venice, la again next yr. goin for bull reds, tarpon, snappers, grouper and maybe sharks. great pics u should try off the tip of florida for some groupers there huge out there and great tasteing. one day ill make it out to the sea of cortez someday. great pics way to go
Nicely done, i also just got back from the sea of cortez, we did well and caught 13 species of fish! what a rush... we were lucky to get a dorado also which was the highlight of the trip.... good job
I didn't catch them but there was 3 white Seabass and 1 black bass that I heard of...
Blacks are tremendous fighters, we use Baracudas for bait.
Sorry Job filled..[Wink]

But you can try to get one of the openings if any come up...
Southernbass I went off the cost one time but the day was called cause of storm and wind but I would love to try it again some time...

Wildcat94 Nice picture, I wish we could have got a few Dorado but they say we are to early for them...
Ya they said we might find a few dorado but the 79 degree water was still a but cold. Did u guys get into any rooster fish or any of the big pargo? Those trigger fish get annoying when they shred up the bait but man they taste good!
We got lots of trigger fish no rooster fish not sure on pargo, some of the fish we got I don't know the name...
those trigger fish are fun! the pargo are a rock fish much like the cobrilla. We got into some roosterfish but only the little ones, but i did get a big jack crevalle.... man those rock fish and snapper pull hard for being a small