Fishing Forum

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Just joined wanted to say hello to all!
hiya maynard and welcome to the site.. to get ya started here is a link to the [url ""]Freshwater Forum[/url].....

MacFly [cool]
[Image: happy.gif]
[center][font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there Maynard and welcome to our forum. Now if you were attending Penn State you could take a course in Fly Fishing. Then you could learn how to be a trout bum. lol BTW good luck with your grades.[/size][/#008000][/font]


Greetings Maynard23,
Weclome to a fine bunch of Fishing Advocates.
I am rather new here myself but have already made friends and learned a lot of info.
Login every day and stay awhile.
Pastor Brady