If I have a Wyoming Nonresident Annual fishing license can I still just buy the stamp to fish in the Utah side of Flaming Gorge? Will I also need a second rod license or anything like that?
Also, what's the best bait/tackle shop around Manila?

]hi EricCO yes you can buy a gorge stamp and fish the utah side. I'm thinking that you will need to buy a second pole permit to fish the utah side but check the fishing orders. As for a bait and tackle store there really isn't any very good places to buy anything. there is some at the chevron gas station in manila and some at the marina's but the prices on the bait and tackle is a lot higher at these places.
I am pretty sure that you can just purchase the reciprocal stamp to fish the Utah side of the res. You will need a 2nd pole permit to fish with two poles on the Utah side but you can fish with two poles on the Wyoming side without a two pole permit.
Howdy WH2, I regret to say that the boat is still not completed. A new baby, moving, and work have kept the boat in dry dock. I did take it out last week and make sure that it still holds water after sitting all winter. The good news is that it still holds water, the bad news is that I am still a ways away from completion. I will keep you posted on it's progress . . . if I can make any.
Can I fly fish the green river below the dam with just the Utah the stamp ?
Don't beleive so, but you should really check with The DWR for accurate info. and get a proclamation so you have good info.!! By the way, you can go to their web site and down load a proclamation that should answer any current or future questions.