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Full Version: Nice day at Willard
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Just enough wind to keep the bugs at bay, warm enough for shorts and a T shirt and the fish were co operating.
Fished the N. E. side and ended up eith 16 eyes up to 23 inches. 6 wipers and 5 crappies.
All came on bouncers and crawler harnesses ( imagine that [shocked] ).
Lots of trucks and trailers in the N. marina but only saw about 4 or 5 boats where I was at. Most I talked to were pulling cranks and none reported much luck.
The crank bite should be on with the water temps at 68 when I got off the water. Good crank bite can't be far off.

Had to try out 2 new bait casting reels and 2 rods the wife bought me for my birthday. "I LIKE EM [Smile]"
Congrats. I could use one of those days, been slow for me so far this season. Come on warm weather..
Thanks for the report I'm heading there this weekend so bottom bouncer and a harness for me. Sounds like a good place to start. Oh is the worm harness with a blade?
hey roger it's Teri the girl that fished with Darren in the starvation tourney a few years ago. How are you and deb you sure are nice people. Hey I wanted to thank you for your posts I read whenever I see your name- I appreciate your reports detailing what is working some guys on here are so secretive you'd think they were in the classsic. I will be going to willard I like catching the wipers , have taken up Bass fishing the last few years and am fishing tournaments thru aba , but hopefully I will run into someday on willard, Take care Teri
Good fishing Roger
Yup , # 5 hammered brass deep cup colorado has been the ticket.

Catch abunch. Leave alot [Smile]
Teri :
How you been ?
BASS! I thought we tought you better than that [crazy] Well bass are allright I guess. Their easier to catch than walleyes [Wink]
Have you talked to Darin? He seems to have dropped off the end of the earth ( water).

Maybe to many PBR bulls have stomped him into the dirt [shocked]
You want to catch some eyes...get in touch. Your welcome in the boat any time.
Deb says "HI". Me too.
thank you crankem, I'll give it a whirl and post on Mon.
I'll be at Willard this weekend. I've never used bottom bouncers much, or harnesses for that matter. It sounds like I should give it a try.
How many oz bottom bouncer is it taking to get to the bottom? Most of my rods are probably not heavy enough to handle a big weight. Where can I get some bottom bouncers? Smith & Edwards?
Hey congrats on the good fishing day. I am new to trying to catch walleye at willard bay, and not sure if your suppose to troll with the bottom bouncer or just cast and reel. And if you cast and reel, is there a method for jigging it why you reel in? And when your using the # 5 hammered brass deep cup colorado do you put your line through the eye first then tie on the bottom bouncer? If i could get some help i would be very grateful [Smile] thanks alot. And good fishing to you guys!
Crankem your killing me, I saw your boat at smith and edwards on my way to the lake. I was hoping to get my little girl in to her first eye today. But it just did not happen. We got on the lake and to the first spot, bouncer had not been down more then 20 sec and had a eye on. I thought to my self were going to have a great day. But we did not get bit for another hr. Pulled in the bouncers and put cranks out, nothing. So back in went the bouncers and over to the island. Picked up one more and missed a couple. But had to get my little girl home.

I don't know if you remember me, but I was talking to you a couple weeks back at willard after a club tourny. I was asking about wyoming walleye waters and I just wanted to say thanks for the information.It was nice of you to share...

Jerkneyes and duckduckgoose:
If you guys really want to learn to fish eyes you should go to one of the local walleye seminars.
But to answer a few of your don't cast bouncers. The idea of a bouncer is to have it hanging as straight down as possible to keep your bait (worm harness) just off the bottom.
For Willard a 2 oz. bouncer will work and yes you can buy everything you need at Smith & Edwards.

In fact I'll be at the N. marina sunday morning at 6:00 am. If any one wants to show up I'd be happy to show you whats working for me and the correct way to use a bouncer.

Catch a bunch...leave alot.
Nice report Crankem. My nephew is in town. I'd like to take him somewhere with my dad. May head back up there as they seem to still be biting. Thanks for the report
If you guys get a chance to hook up with Rodger it would be well worth your time.

[#0000ff]Walleyes and Roosters[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]"You are only as good as your excuses"[/#0000ff]