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Full Version: Utah Lake Whack Fest Again!
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Yesterday, we whacked the LMBz in the morning using a senko. I caught 7 before 11:00am. All over 2lbs. The Brent hasn't sent me the picts yet ... when he does I will post them. He caught a 6.5lb walleye on a senko in American Fork Harbor off a post. It was a giant fish!
Wow, pretty cool. So what kind of patterns do you look for on the lake to fish for bass? Do you fish in the reeds? Do you look for rocky shore or jetties? If I go out there, what should I look for? What kind of depths? Not looking for any spots--half the fun is finding one's own spots, just want some patterns to look for.
Nice job, it was good to meet you down at lindon the other day!! We need to get you a bow and go shoot some bait soon!!
Well, Utah Lake has had Northern Strain Largemouth Bass in it since 1890. They are plentiful & pretty much spread all over the lake. I have never caught a bass out of there that was real skinny. There is so much food that they are set for life.

When fishing for a predator, you must hunt it. Largemouth are an ambush fish and they like to attack their prey. (Kind of like Bow-hunting for lion.)

In stained water, they have to be close to structure or bottom to be able to hunt. I personally have caught LMBz all over the lake in the harbors, main lake cattails and river / creek inlets.They can be caught on rocks, docks, weeds or both. I target the shade in the day and shallow water in the morning and evening. Throwing a lure that dis-places a bunch of water works really well down here. Keep in mind that these fish are like a shark. They have to eat and they have to eat a lot. Find the bait fish, oxygen and structure, you will find the bass.

Sources of UL food are:
Carp Minnows, White Bass Minnows, Fathead Minnows, Bluegill, Crappie and Crayfish. Basically, you can throw anything that looks like these food sources and catch them with the right presentation.

Good Luck!
Thanks for the tips and the history. I guess I just have it in my mind that the lake is full of carp and that's it (I know there are other things, but you know the repuation). As for lures that displace water, are you talking more wide wobbling crankbaits and wide bladed spinner baits or are there other things that I am not picking up on. I can't think of many plastics that would displace a lot of water, but maybe I'm not thinking hard enough.
Crap man all i want is a $@!& walleye.. oh well maybe next time...nice outing though man..I am going to UL tomorrow.. make sure all is well with the boat for saturday at pineview![bobWink]
Plastics with a lot of appendages "wiggling" in the water. Wide bodied & Shallow running cranks are good too. Spinnerbaits always work!