Is there any size to them mudder fudding Bullheads?[sly]
Do they taste OK from Cutler?
Thats definitely a Utah word ....Cutler. Every time I here the word Cutler I think of bunch of Utah hick town Republic rednecks sitting around a campfire talking there Utah accents with those obnoxious "hard Rs". Shees! Cutlerrrrrrrr.
Could you explain to me, a Utah hick town Republic redneck who occasionally sits around a campfire, what the difference is between a hard R and a regular one? (you know, the kind of R that is not obnoxious and only Utahns use). I wouldn't want you to have to 'here' anymore of that Utah accent.
I have another question for you. If a guy really wanted to get away from the Utahns and 'there' accent, where could he go away to to 'here' good english spoken.
You've never heard those stupid hard Rs before? Oh brother! They sound geeky. Its not only Utah that has folks like that talk that way, you get a few from Wyoming as well.
I think its rude to make fun of they way people talk but those accents they sorta like sound.......well? Geeky?
Sorry you will have to meet someone that talks that way and you will see what I mean.
If they say Cutler the R is hard. Too hard. Its not how all Utahns would normaly say it. Its a distinguishable hard R.
I'm also cutting back smoking cigarettes so some of my post will have no bearing what-so-ever on reality.[crazy]
Too funny....great post.
think thats bad talk to someone from hooper its hooooooopppperrrr , . or it can be huuper ya some of us are kinda goofy,rrr You see we are just waiting for calf to drop off in the ocean then we can be seagoing pirates again ...rrrr..rrr matie lol avast ye land lubbers errrr!!
Yup and there were so many fish in that crick on that moun un out there.[

The best way to avoid hearing us Cache Valley hicks offend you with bad grammar would be to fish for cats at Utah Lake. I hear they are much more advanced in the way they use "R". Plus the Channels are 10x bigger and 10x easier to catch. In fact I don't think there are catfish at Cutler so I wouldn't bother making the trip.[
