05-30-2009, 12:27 AM
I took my two girls fishing after school today to one of the local community ponds in the Sandy area and my young one caught her first fish! Just a small bluegill but to her it was a thrill. She is really guite the girly girl and wouldn't touch the worms or even the fish but it sure made her happy. I try to teach them that if you are not going to eat the fish right away, it makes no sense to kill it and we should just let it go be free. However, she was so happy and wanted to show mom, I let her keep it anyway.
Total between dad helping two young girls = 6 small bluegill, 1 7-8" LM bass, 1 catfish.
Today was a good day!
Total between dad helping two young girls = 6 small bluegill, 1 7-8" LM bass, 1 catfish.
Today was a good day!