Met up with Fishguru @ 8 got a bite to eat and some drinks. On the water @ about 9 FG wants to hit his hot spot right off the bat. Fishing started kind of slow with Fg getting strikes but no hookups. He did nail a couple of Sm mouths. Then I caught a couple of crappies. After a few more sm mouths. we moved around trying to find more crappie only more smallies. After moving we tried to find a spot holding crappie but only one was found and one caught. After more moving around with about an hr left we head back to where we started fishing and found them bitting and Fg went on a terror three cast three fish [fishon]two crappie then a real nice smallie that tree wrapped him Gone[

I missed a few crappie and boated a nice smallie but hats off to FG he has the crappie touch. Thanks FG for sharing your skillz and BS[

] here is some of the pics.
Always happy to share my BS with anyone willing to listen... or stuck in the boat with me. Thanks deepcycle for getting me out on the water. That was a pretty good day and the crappie fishing will get alot faster soon. The sight fishing was entertaining even though I didn't get a hookset on anything I saw bite. Thanks for posting the biggest fish pic and letting the world know about the battle I lost with Moby Dick.[frown] I'll let you know when the fishing gets hot so you can prepare the limo and the yacht. Next time i'll even chip in for some ear plugs.[:p] By the way, you remember the bite marks on the other side of that largest smallie I had in the pics? I wonder how big the crappie that did that to him was?[

Nice fish. Didn't know smallies were in there either. Now I need to get up there.[cool]
You are welcome it was a kick we worked pretty hard I like hardcore fishing.
I was kidding about the BS part [laugh] I should get the fishing boat back next week sometime tues weds[

]PM me your time off and can try it again. I posted the best of the pics I had to use the girl's help to get the pics off my phone it was kind of a pain. The pic we took of the scares on your smallie didn't show up well enough to see in the pic sorry. Yeah too bad about Moby the bass, I was giving you props you were on fire there for a sec plus your light line and all the brush you barely had a chance[

] but we know were he lives.
Hit UT lake today all alone but took the dog didn't do to well two channels and one lg bluegill but the was carp thumping was hot. The carp pod groups where thick shot until I broke my arrow. Get back with me next week.[fishon]