well icedike was the first to say he wanted to go pike hunting with me today.. so we agreed to meet at painted rock around 6:30 7:00. i got there at around 1/4 to 7:00 we got all the stuff in the boat and got it in the water.. started trolling the west side from the boat ramp.. about 20 min's into the trip Ike poped a 10 lbs 32 inch pike! for a newbie he did all right.. we got it in the boat took some pic's and let it go to grow up. that was his first pike ever so he is off to a good start.. well i was thinking that with a good start like that we were going to catch some more.. but.. we only cought one more that was close to 10 inch's i think.. i was the one that cought that one.. i did how ever catch a nice 5 lbs walleye today as well as 3 or 4 perch and about 5 carp..lol
it was a nice day on the water the wind did not get to bad for to long.. no rain.. and Ike was a good dude to shair the boat with...
good to meet ya Ike and let's get together and do it again some time.. [sly]
here are the pic's..
Thanks again for taking me. That was a lot of fun. Hope to do the hunt again. That walleye was 21 1/2 inches. Here is a pic.
Sweet catches. Its rare lately to hear anything positive from Yuba. I wish I would have responded first.
not a problem dude it was fun.. hope ya like that walleye! not to bad for the price of a day parking pass huh?
i think i got ya hooked 2 times today tho.. one on catching big pike! and two eating walleye! [:p]..
good fishing too ya my friend..
Looks awesome Ron! Nice work on puttin a big eye in the boat. I sure hope it made a bunch of babies this year!
Both fish are really nice. Water temps ?
water temp was 64.5 all day.. well the times that i looked at it that is..lol [:p]
I figure that I will ask here as I know a lot of more knowledgable people will be looking at this, plus you seem to know what's what...
I was under the impression that the DWR wanted anglers to harvest more pike, walleye, and especially small mouth bass from Yuba. So I am surprised that you released the pike. Maybe I heard wrong, or don't really know which is why I am asking. I personally don't care either way-keep it or release it, both are fine in my book.
Sorry if this hijacks your post, and I don't really want a lot of you should keep fish vs catch and release debate, only the 411 on what a) the DWR is suggesting for management, or b) what BFT anglers suggest as proper management for Yuba.
Oh, and great fish BTW. Looks like a fun time.
i asked Ike if he wanted to keep it.. he asked if they are any good to eat.. i said in my opion no they are not so good to eat... so insted of just killing a fish for no real reason.. we turned it back.
the management of yuba is the DWR's problem not mine.. i realy dont think 1 fish is going to make or brake the lake..lol and to go one step more on it, fishermen do not make that big of a dent in the pike at yuba anyway.. when the food run's out that will make a big dent in all the fish in yuba..
Nice work Fuzz man. That is a beauty!
[quote fuzzyfisher]
the management of yuba is the DWR's problem not mine.. i realy dont think 1 fish is going to make or brake the lake.[/quote]
Amen brother. Sometimes you just need to let nature work on it own. They very cool fishies.
Great report. I fished that same spot where you took the picture of the walleye about this time last year--but it looks like you know what you are doing, unlike us who caught nothing but skunk.