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Full Version: Great weekend at spinney
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Fished spinney this weekend. At times I just wanted to troll without catching a fish for a little while. The action was so hot that 7 hours of fishing whore you out. We fished small spoons on the down rigger 10' down in 14'19' of water. We ran planerboards with big rapalas for pike but only caught a few small ones. We also fished up shallow 2'-6' for pike but nothing. We didnt even see any. The trout seemed to be a little smaller this year. Normally we catch 17"-19" but this years average was 14"-18" with only a couple being over 20". still a blast. 88 fish in 2 days. Heres a few pics..
Those are some nice fish, BlueRapala! Thanks for sharing your experience. I need to fish Spinney more!
I wish I could get up there more myself but once a year seems to be all the time I have. I have one more pic. to share of a raptor trying to catch a duck
The duck kept diving and the hawk finally gave up but it came close.
Holy cow! Great picture!