Fishing Forum

Full Version: Hello Everyone From a Buffalonian
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Hey Guys,

I'm from buffalo and I'm a big fisherman. I just recently have been really gettin' into it. I have fished since I was a boy with my father, and it has just grown on me. I just found this new "fish scent". What do you guys think of using fish scents? I have never really used them before. Any help is great.
[font "Garamond"][#008000][size 4][Image: happy.gif]Hi there EasternFishing and welcome to the BFT forum. When I was spin fishing I had tried using scent but it always seemed like I would get a bit on myself. Don't you just hate when that happens. Don't really know if it did any good. So now I treat them to home made flies. Might want to post your question on the[/size][/#008000][/font] [url ""]Fresh_Water_forum.[/url]
Thanks a lot for your help! I hate when that happens, it feels wasteful and your hand smells haha. Dont want them to bite that instead! I will post in that section. Thanks again