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Anybody catching any bass at Ririe yet, I was thinking about heading up there this week and just wanted to see if anbody else has been up there.

I've heard spotty reports of people occasionally getting the typical 10-12" bass there, but not the larger numbers that come once summer really sets in. However the most recent report I've heard was a couple weeks ago.
I have been waiting to hear a good report myself. Has the water cleared up yet? Run off for there should be about done. What is the water temp? I have been wanting to get the X5 up there and cruise the rocks for some bass.
Hey guys i am a newbie but i have been out on Ririe about 3 times in the last 2 weeks. Fishing is getting better with each passing day. We have been getting into a lot of Smallies and the occasional trout and perch. I would say in a 4 hour trip we pulled in close to 50 Bass, of which maybe 30 were respectible and maybe only 5 keepers. I did manage to bring in one that was about 15" and close to 2 lbs. It was a fat female that was full of eggs.

I am not sure about the water temp or anything because i dont have a way to measure it but i did jump in off the docks and it was still pretty cold. I have found a lot of the fish in real close to the shore hiding under some big rocks.
Thanks for the report and welcome to the forum.

So is the water clearing up? Were you fishing Juniper or Blacktail for the bass? Have you tried for any Walleye? If this weather would straighten up I might just head up that way.
The Water is clearing up and with some good eyewear you can see the bottom out to about 20 ft off shore. We have been doing a lot of the fishing along the shore opposite the boat ramp closest to the dam...(sorry i dont know what the actual name is) We just troll along the shore and in the grass and have had the most luck there.

As far as trying for some walleye I didnt know they were out there until i read it on here. What are some good techniques for walleye? I have never fished them before. We mostly always pull out bass with the occasional perch. We did manage to pull out a nice trout the other day.

I will try and get some pics of some of the fish we got last week as soon as i get them off my camera.

I am hoping to get up there on Friday and Saturday if the weather stays nice.
So you are putting in at Juniper if you are by the dam. Blacktail is at the other end of the reservoir. Sounds good that the water is clearing up. How are you fishing for bass? I use plastic grubs/worms. As far as the Walleye, I have only caught one before and that was on Onieda Reservoir. I caught it on a 3" grub fishing the bottom for bass. I do not know if there are any around the dam area, but I do know they are in the Blacktail area.
Headed up to the Juniper boat ramp last night, mostly to try the new toon, but we did catch a couple of little bass. They seemed to like night crawlers bounced off the bottom and dark green tube jigs. We saw a ton of smaller fish up near the bank but we couldn't seem to catch anything with much size. Good night to be out though.