Fishing Forum

Full Version: procraft, G vill, cat and bass, 5/30/09 6/01/09, tyler nicholette
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fished yesterday morning with blazer at the nick gtot around 11 or so all good fish not to many keepers mos fish caught on plastic or a crank then whent with my son that afternoon we got 13 with 3 keepers all afternoon fish was got on 10"black worms then close to dark pop-r and ribbet was the best most fish were in 3foot or less then i whent with my daughter this afternoon cat fishing we followed a frind he landed about 25 cats we landed 2 they was kinda wight or light grey donjt know wat kind they are but took 9 of them home they was all in the 5 to 8 pound range i put 5 big bags in the frezer and will be after bass in the am the cats i bit later thank for the advice on iquep it worked good just need to learn what a bite is for the cats emoThumbsup emoThanks emoAngel