06-04-2009, 09:00 AM
Every year I book a trip with Mike in the spring to celebrate the end of school and my girlfriend pays for it as an early birthday present. It doesn&#39;t get any better than that.<br /><br />We started out catching skipjack and bluegill around 12:30. About 1:00 we went fishing. A few minutes later, I pick up a rod with a big live bluegill and feel some heavy weight. Then the fish goes nuts. The fight lasted several minutes and I could have used one of those ocean fighting rigs. I was hoping it was my first big flathead, since it was a bluegill. Turns out, it was a 58 lb flathead. Then Mike hooked a big one and handed the rod over to me. It got out near the fast current, and I finally broke off. We caught one more channel about 8 lbs, and that was it.<br /><br />So we headed downriver and made our first anchor. No fish, so we moved spots and quickly put 52 and 45 lb blues in the boat. Both super fights in the current. We made our 3rd anchor and had a few takedowns and some 7-8 lb blues. We decided to make one last anchor and threw out some live bluegill toward some structure near the bank. We also had cut skipjack rigged. In 30 ft of water on cut skipjack, I caught a 26 lb flathead. Now that would have freaked me out, but the 58 would have eaten the 26, lol. It was crazy fun and a great way to kick off my summer break.<br /><br />Thanks Mike, and I&#39;m glad I rigged that bluegill. After I put it on the hook through the lips (Craig) Mike said, that looks like a 40 lb flathead. Definitely the meanest and baddest catfish fight I have ever had.<br /><br />Driving to Canada in the morning, rough stuff.