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Full Version: identify what im seeing
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Im having a hard time identifing what im see in the water.. Stone flies,scuds,caddis and so on.. is there a book that will show pictures of all stages of the bugs.. Pluse show pictures of what type of flies to use.. The nymphs under the rocks i think were stone fly.. The have 3 defined body segments.. 6 legs with a split tail.. They were dark brown almost black..
As you can see i need help..[:/]
You're describing a stonefly nymph. I saw tons of them yesterday. I just looked them up on the internet when I learned to identify various flies and nymphs. I'm sure someone will know some good books. I'm hoping the stonefly hatch will start any day now. [fishin]
go to your local fly shop and there is a book called western hatches and flies gives you all the bugs that are located in the western part of the usa
Better yet go to your local library tons of resources on fly fishing books. They even have dvd's [cool]

Also for quick reference Here's a link to Orvis Hatch chart