Hit provo park today with spinners and slayed the whities, No. 3 Mepps silver colorado blade in the river channel was the ticket. Jigged up in the harbor at dark thirty and busted off a 5 lb. channel and caught 5 decent crappie. Cleaned darn near 50 fish tonight so it was good but not great. Worked hard for them all but it was good enough for a one gallon freezer bag.
Is provo park near the Provo River? My wife and I totally knocked the whites dead last year, but to my knowledge they haven't come up the river this year. Any info on your location would be helpful, Thanks[
good job! i was killing them last month at American Fork... Now off to something different..[fishin]
I was down there 3weeks ago to observe and watched on guy catch about 20 in a half hour but the bugs were really thick
]Yes it's the state park. The white bass that haven't yet spawned in the smaller tributaries are staging in the mouth of the Provo and they are most active between 2 and 4p. Bring a bucket and some mepps no. 3's and you will do great. Fish off of the west dike on the bend directly adjacent to the river inlet and you will do some damage. I don't mind sharing the info because the white bass are so abundant that they are not putting on alot of size because of competition for the forage. Let's get them thinned out a bit if we can and please save me a spot on the bank. I'm the guy with the southern accent and a Chihuahua for a fishing buddy. I don't fish down there much so give me a report and let me know what's going on. If you don't get them there then move up river and keep me posted on where they're headed. I actually had a Laos guy telling me to let them go because I had more than enough in his opinion but he doesn't know that a full sized female white bass lays up to 250,000 eggs in a single spawn. They are abundant and they need some thinning if we want to start nailing them consistently in the 2 lb. class. Go get em and give me a report.[