06-15-2009, 09:00 AM
<br /> Well after an exhausting day yesterday helping(really watching and frying batteries Ill let James tell that one lol) James get my motor done I slept in and woke up and installed the 74 lb thrust beast trolling motor on this little boat..Around 2 finished the work and headed to Riverpark to get a few more hours on the motor.. She ran great for the 2nd day in a row and we ran from riverpark to the bend a few different times and did a little bit of fishing.. Maybes 30-45 mins worth. Caught 2 spots to break the boat in .. One on DD22 and other on a shakey head.. Just glad to have the boat back soon as the break in finishes( 6 hours and 45 mins left) fishing will get back to normal.. The motor has a ton of power and is quite surprising what he did to the little 70 hp..<br /> Pics of the biggest of the 2 tiny spots and the new boat still a lot to do but isnt there always <br /><br /> <br /> http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq341....jpg<br /> <br /> http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq341....jpg<br /> <br /> http://i462.photobucket.com/albums/qq341...spot11.jpg