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Has anyone had much luck on the rage tails? We have been hammering them on em but its hard to set the hook. We miss up to 20 fish a day.. Not sure if there is a better way to set them up... Caught a couple nice ones though.
I've used the Rage Tail craws and they certainly do have some action to them. I used them on a black jig but I had to cut off about 1" or so to get the claws closer to the skirt for more of a natural look.
What size and type of hook are you using with the RT's?
We've just been using eagle claw 4/0 red hooks with the rage tail shad or the toad... They're a lot of fun to watch the fish absolutely explode on them...We have been fishin in shallow water so you can see the fish run to them and a lot of time they will come completely out of the water to hit the bait
Try superline EWG hooks. Let the fish run and load your rod before setting the hook.

I was fishing em in the lilly pads the other day and had couple fish hit them on top and then i was just standing there and i just looked at it and lit it sink so i figured id try it out caught 7 bass casting into the middle of the pads and letting it sink. It was fun getting to have a huge hook set.
Ok, I gotta try em.
I love the Rage Line of Plastics. The Pros for me are simple. THEY LAST SOO MUCH LONGER THAN OTHERS. Well I think the Rage Toads too. I have caught more fish on 1 bait than any other toad type bait. The craw is nice to but I like others in this Forum had to cut off a inch so it looked realistic as a trailer on a jig. The Cons are they are pretty expensive but since they seem to last longer for me I dont mind it as much... They big think with this baits is WAIT TILL YOU FEEL THE FISH..before you set the hook. Let me know how you do..
i havent use rage tails long but from my experiance i think thy work best in warm water with the sun out and tossing them on the edge of weeds or moss and letting them fall to the bottom and letting them sit on the bottom at least 5 seconds i get the most bites after 3 seconds on the bottom but thats my ways and it only works on certain lakes. hope that helps. Cale
I agree they do seem to last a long time. I the toads hold up a little better than the shad but i like em. I have noticed that you can hook em up in different spots if the tops split and they still give you the same action. Also What I have been doing is putting the hook in and putting some super glue on the nose and where the hook goes through in the back. Let it sit on the bottom is awesome to because they pick it up and run and dont let go.