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Full Version: good hunting tip for masking noise in the woods
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when deer hunting in a woods ,that has turkey try useing turkey calls and decoys to help you with that big buck.also try a natural cover scent as potting soil take a plastic bag fill with potting soil and put tor hunting clothes in there for a couple of days.
ferns , crush em' up and rub them over your clothes , ( i put a bunch in with my hunting clothes and tie em' up in a garbage bag .

takes all the smell out !
heres a good one for you , take acorns, walnuts,or pine needles put in pot with water and simmer instant cover scent you can carry with you after long hunts to keep you free to hunt also you can wash your clothes in it the drip dry,or spray bottles.
i've done that too ! make sure you match the scent to the area your hunting . cedar area ,ceder scent , jack pine area , jack pine scent , oak area , the acorns . a strange scent puts the deer on alert , thats one thing i have noticed .
hey daymere,

take a hop over to [url ""][/url] this is our sister site. it is geared for shooting and hunting. a relitivly new site. you may want to check it out. If ya hurry you can get the same user name there, I have the same user name over there as I do here, so dose lone hunter...
I do the same thing, only I use great big o'l juicy apples, I rub it in to the bark of a tree to get it open then I rub it in to my clothes.

[shocked] I wonder if they concider walking around the woods smelling like an apple as baiting? [shocked]
[cool] I don't have one now , but we use to wash our clothes , then take them and put them in a dryer (old) with a bunch of leaves !!!!
hey guys, now that we got the tabs on the clothes, all sewed up, ahhaha, what about our boots?? is it true the the rubber soles are the best cause they don,t smell?????? i was wonderin? i just got me a pair of the snowboard boot that are light and not stiff, like the regular snowboots which i generally got in the past, those from canada, i forgit the name, but these also have leather and rubber bottoms and light and seem to be good and warm beoin snowboard boot and more comfortable. but would like the input on the soles.?? what ya think?? later
also, as fer as soles, and of boots!11 i didn,t know where to git hot but i figured i,d do it here so,s maybe some guys that sell boots, clothes, would git the message. haha i,m ----. haha got it? haha anyways i,m sick and tired of the people wwho make girls stuff in huntin and fishin not makin em rugged enough tough enough,warm enough. and some just not makin girls stuff at all. they make snowboots fer women but they don,t make a deep tread and the liners aren,t as good as the guys, i guess they don,t figure we go out like the men do. well we do! any ather girls know of this?? or the pants are too long cause we got to cut em?? so,s we don,t trip? that sucks. i like a deep tread cause i do go out like them. i don,t know how many times i,ve fallen with my gun, and that,s the reason i don,t load my gun till i git set where i,m gonna be now. ya know?? years ago, the pacs i had from the canada boots use to make a good deep tread but i wore those boots fer 15 years and wore em out and had to git a new pair. well now they make a little tread and and i paid over 100.00 fer em. i just figured i,d try em cause also that,s all they came in, and i liked my old ones. they weren,t, even as warm as my old liners or boots were. that,s what i fell with. i might as well been wearin the boots i thru out after 15 years. i,m hard on clothes boots so i need good ones. that why i went to the boys clothes i even do with dungerees too, it just sucks they can,t figure tomake good quality stuff like they do with the guys, i don,t like not havein good traction on em. the jackets and brithes are made cheaper,fer women, so i got to the point where i bought the boys clothes and they were better. but i think it,s dumb that i got to buy guy stuff all the time. and the boots in boys. when they gonna figure we like to do the same things too?? and be warm dry, and have somethin fit. there i,m done. haha sorry but i,m ticked. i,ve got these snow boots now at the yard sale and there boys but because i wouldn,t buy any boots till i found the right ones my feet have been cold fer the last 2 years. i bought em fer 5 bucks. i don,t mind payin good money, if there worth it. and i,m gonna have em fer quite some time. there now i,m done.haha that,s why i got the best fishin i stubborn or what?? haha quality for all! haha


[size 2]And old indian trick is to start a camp fire the night before and stand int he smoke with your clothes on. Helps mask scent.[/size]

[size 2]Then of course always stay down wind of target. If wind changes stop or approach from different direction.[/size]
dont forget now, our hunting site is [url ""][/url] please take a moment to register as a member there, you could double your chances of winning the tackle spree there just like here.

every week there is a new winner.

plus them guys sure could use your experiancs.

they even have a state board for every state in the confederate and non confederate unions.

it is a new site just starting out and is own by the same folks as this one. the format is a little older style but still works.

dont miss out on some mighty find deer hunting talk. even some small game and fowl talk is welcome there.

hope to see every one over there. [Wink]

again membership is free.
i never paid no nevermind to the rubber boot thing till i saw a deer smell my tracks coming into my deerstand and then he went the other way .

now i use one of thoes plastic bags the grocery store puts the vegies in as covers for my boots as i get near my hunting spot .

maybe i should have washed my feet a little better . i think that deer was trying to tell me my feet stunk ! lol !
hi guy, but aren,t deer afraid of smoke, fire?? isn,t that different to em?? fer a smell?? i just always try to place myself down wind of em. anyways. later i,ve heard of it.