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Full Version: Why toons over 10 ft need sticker
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I emailed the ag dept on the invasive species sticker. I talked with a senator and emailed another one no replies, so i called the number on the letter that came with the sticker the recording said call the dept of parks and rec for any questions I did they said call the ag dept I did I got diconnected I called back The gal couldn't answer the question She put me on hold and Tim answered I asked Tim the question He said the difference between a 10 1/2 ft toon and a 6 foot toon is 4 1/2 ft I bet he didn't even use his calculator for that quick response. I asked why I have to pay and for mine but somebody with a 6 ft does'nt. Ol Tim couldn't answer that he will transfer me to the hotline He did, It was the first number I called. A recording to call the parks and rec. I called the ag dept back. I asked the next gal the question Her reply was so they don't have to check all the inflatable boats that float the boise river so the 9 ft that floats the I asked her that doesn't seem fair to everyone and so I pay for everyone she then replies the bigger boat also has more surface area I said they don't no the difference. she was then done talking with me.The moral of the story is (Yes there is one Mojo) If you all fish the same places you are safe with a 10 ft or smaller cause the invasive species will swim right past you Why? Because your invisable They're looking for the big ones and they can't see you
Now they will just up the fee to $20 for toons over 10 ft. and $10 for under 10 feet. I think it is just a way to get more money, I bet if you asked them for a plan to help stop the spread of the invasive species, they would say well we started the invasive species sticker fund....that should do it.[Image: happy.gif][Image: angry.gif][Image: sad.gif][Image: confused.gif][Image: suspicious.gif]
isn't it always about the green?????
Good effort to find an answer and a good example of a stupid law run amuck along with unjust taxation. If it is a tax add it to a tax bill and call it that. If it truly stops the spread of invasive species then tell us how.

I usually don't feel like getting too politically involved but I do think this is stupid. How many of you would really like to get involved in an initiative to get this over turned, or at least a rewrite of the bill so it makes some sense. At very least we could cause the discussion to come out in open instead of just taking it.

I will post a poll to see how you all feel.


very well put... I voted and will help in any way i can to get this looked at again or over turned.
I would be interested in anything that would overturn or revamp this ridiculous law. I know that Lovemylavro has already thought on several levels how this could be done. You might PM him about it in a week or so once he's a little more available again. I do have to agree though, this is essentially a poorly planned idea w/ no forethought to science or how to appropriately execute the law once it was passed. The fact that the Ag dept, parks and recreation, senators, and representatives can't give us simple answers to simple questions shows that no one is truly at the helm of this fiasco.
So, I'm going to take the unpopular stance and put up a plug for the sticker. I have been to two all day aquatic invasive species trainings in the last few days for my job. the sticker was discussed a fair amount, and the hurried nature of it was addressed, as were some other logistical issues that have been talked about on here, which even they agreed were less than ideal to say the least. basically they are scrambling to get things like mandatory boat inspections and washes for all boats entering the state etc. set up, but to even begin to put together game plans they need funding, hence the scramble to get the stickers up and running.
The major impetus is to keep things like zebra and quagga mussels, and viral hemorrhagic septicemia (causes rediculous fish kills), out and controll the spread of things like eurasian water millfoil, new zeland mud snails, and whirling disease. In order to do this we all need to be aware of the situation, becuase even with the new funding, there is no way for them to check every boat so a lot of the responsibility lies with us. whenever we use our boats we need to make sure they don't carry anything to the next body of water, i.e. make sure no mussels or anything are clinging on to the nooks and crannies, empty live wells, clean felt soled boots etc. The hard thing is that I'm honestly probably preaching to the choir here. I think we're a pretty informed group of people on this forum, it's the ones who don't become educated on the issues, or just don't care that could screw things up for the rest of us.
Anyway what I'm trying to say is that I don't think the sticker money will be wasted, and it will go to set up some needed precautions. That said, I only had to buy a $5 one for my canoe [:/] so I couldn't really complain too much anyway. But that's my 2 cents for what it's worth, I'll climb back down off of my soap box now[crazy]
i agree that there needs to be some action taken against the invasive species but i havnt seen anyone out checking boats, or doing anything else other than saying its going to cost you 10 bucks to put that boat on the water. I dont think the zebra mussels understand they are suppose to let go after we pay the money.
While at Henry's last weeekend, they did inspect my boat. I also had to go through the wash station before putting my boat in the water. Problem is, the kid running the the station was just doing it for a summer job for one and did not really have a caring attitutde.
Two, there was no one running the station early in the morning or later in the evening which is when most people fish. There were tons of boats coming in around 4pm when we left and no one there to inspect or wash them. That right there will make this program fail as it only takes one boat to start the introduction of the invasive species.
Three, the water was not 130 degrees like he claimed. You should see steam at 130 degrees with an outside temp in the 50's.
Four, once you are inspected, they give you a tag to put on your boat that shows you have been inspected and they punch the month you were inspected. If you have this tag on your boat, you will not have to be inspected again to put your boat in the water, no matter if you have been in waters with snails and mussels or not. I think they should wash the boat before entering and also coming out. I paid for a clean boat. Also, good luck on putting a pontoon through the wash as that will not happen even though you still have to pay the $10 bucks and have a sticker on some.
Five, I did not see one migratory bird go through the boat wash.

I have not heard of any other place having a boat wash or any one inspecting anything. It seems the governor is trying to protect one of his fishing places and could care less about the rest. I do have a letter from the governor replying to my letter I sent him. It is the usual smoke up the *** answer, but I will have to post it later.
[quote prvrt]Five, I did not see one migratory bird go through the boat wash. .[/quote]

That made my day right there....LMAO
I admit, it was easier to swallow when they changed it to "NO MATTER WHAT SIZE" when adding a motor, because I do.
My boat IS 10' long so I would have been safe without a motor.
$20. for me and $20. for the hubby. Done deal although not real happy about it.
Do you realize how much money they could raise but tacking on say $2. to $5. to ALL licenses (local and out of state) Seriously, not something that will break the bank!
BUT, because it is not just fishermen, but boating in general...well now tack the same think on boat registration.
I am betting, they would make allot more CONTROLLED money.

I realize, they might still need stickers for Out Of Staters, like the ones that just want to maybe go waterskiing. BUT $20. WHAT!!!! Can you at least put my name on the wash machine seeings how "I" am paying for it!

Come on people....charge EVERYONE a little instead of a few allot. easier to swallow and work in the budget

Next question.....why do you need to sticker all your boats. You can only use one at a time! Unless you use one to transport the other, but you get what I mean.
Sticker what is in the water...that is all!
What is fair. If I have a 9 ft I don't have to pay why should you carry the responsibility and not me simple question. They can come up with any answer they want if your floating your canoe next to my 9 ft pontoon I would think the quagga or zebra muscles wouldn't descriminate. They should put the burdon on everyone that fishes.

I also agree that we need to be aware of the situation and do our part to prevent spreading these things, but what we really need is a $10 sticker on every pelican, duck, and goose that enters the state. Then and only then will we stop the spread of these muscles.
Well put counter argument. I still think if they want the public to really buy into this then they need to inform the public ahead of time about the need for money to get things going, some exact plans on what they are doing and not just hit us with a tax to get the ball rolling with no time for public input.

I hope the legislature really saw this as something that could not be debated for a year before a well defined plan was outlined due to the fact that invasive species are infiltrating our rivers and streams quickly.

I saw a special on the snails that are taking over silver creek. I guess they are already starting to mess with the natural cycle of hatches that occurs there.

I'd rather pay the fine than buy a sticker. So I'm not going to get one- ever.
i'm not sure what the fine is but i am sure the sticker is probly 1/5th of the price. so i would rather just get it and complain about it than get the ticket.

Anyone been inspected on any other waters, if they are going to do this on specific waterways why not make you pay for a inspection at those bodys of water.
I read the fine was $57.00
[quote poky-mon]What is fair. If I have a 9 ft I don't have to pay why should you carry the responsibility and not me simple question. They can come up with any answer they want if your floating your canoe next to my 9 ft pontoon I would think the quagga or zebra muscles wouldn't descriminate. They should put the burdon on everyone that fishes.[/quote]

Not just fish...water toys, wave runners, jet skis, waterskis...even swimmers.
Excellent point and just drives home the irrelevance of the fish sticker program based on WindRiver's comment about Silver Creek. I fish Silver Creek numerous times per year and have seen a canoe or someone in a float tube on it maybe twice over the past 15 years or so of visiting. There is no consideration being given to invasive species being transferred in the felt soles of wading boots, but odds are pretty good that this is how the snails made their way into Silver Creek. I'm not going to argue that the transfer of invasive species isn't a serious problem and can't be simply ignored, it's just that the plan for implementation of the current program to address the concerns is seriously flawed. Maybe they should require inspection for chest waders but not hip waders, just to stay consistent with the 10+ foot long pontoon rule.
Plus court fees....$57+$83